Poets of the fall

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Fragile Acordes

Poets of the fall



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	  Verse 1: 
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E Asus2 Esus4 E |--------------------|--------------------|--------------------| B |--------0-------0---|--------0-------0---|--------0-------0---| G |-----1--------------|-----2--------------|-----2--------------| D |----2--2-------2-2--|----2--2-------2-2--|----2--2-------2-2--| A |-2----------2-------|-0----------0-------|-2----------2-------| E |--------------------|--------------------|--------------------| PRE-Chorus: Dsus2 E Asus2 E |--------0-------0---|--------0-------0---|--------0-------0---| B |-----3--------------|-----0--------------|-----0--------------| G |----2--2-------2-2--|----1--1-------1-1--|----1--1-------1-1--| D |-0----------0-------|-2----------2-------|-2----------2-------| A |--------------------|--------------------|--------------------| E |--------------------|--------------------|--------------------|
VERSE 1: (strumming) E you've been biting bullets all these years i know E Asus2 there beside yourself choking on tears Esus4 and you aced avoiding possibility Asus2 when you placed your beds on bittersweet PRE-Chorus 1: (strumming) Dsus2 now don't you worry E no need to be sorry Asus2 time to step lightly Bsus4-E6 (chords slide) Chorus 1: (chords) E7sus4 'Cause the love you used to feel is still there Asus2 inside E6 it may be a faded photograph but I know you care, so don't hide E7sus4 if you're scared i'm here beside you Asus2 if you get lost i'm here to guide you E6 And I'll give you peace when peace is fragile. Dsus2 Love is all the good in you, Asus2 E(Strumming as in Verse 1) Love is peace when peace is fragile. VERSE 2: (strumming) E You've been going out of way to agree E Asus2 Like you've been rubbing yourself all wrong just to be somebody else's genie Esus4 Catering to your disasters every need Asus2 Waiting to finally be set free PRE-Chorus 2: (strumming) Dsus2 now don't you worry E no need to be sorry Asus2 time to step lightly Bsus4-E6 (chords slide) Chorus 2: (chords) E7sus4 'Cause the love you used to feel is still there Asus2 inside E6 it may be a faded photograph but I know you care, so don't hide E7sus4 if you're scared i'm here beside you Asus2 if you get lost i'm here to guide you E6 And I'll give you peace when peace is fragile. Dsus2 Love is all the good in you, Asus2 Bsus4 E Love is peace when peace is fragile. INSTRUMENTAL: (Play 2 times) E Asus2 eh eh eh E6 Bsus4 oh oh oh oh F#7 Chorus 3: (chords) E7sus4 'Cause the love you used to feel is still there Asus2 inside E6 it may be a faded photograph but I know you care, so don't hide E7sus4 if you're scared i'm here beside you Asus2 if you get lost i'm here to guide you E6 And I'll give you peace when peace is fragile. Dsus2 Love is all the good in you, Asus2 Dsus2 Asus2 E (Strumming to the end) Love is peace when peace is fragile eeee ou ah ah ah an ah.

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