Parker McCollum

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Young Man's Blues Acordes

Parker McCollum



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Young Man's Blues

	  Intro: G  C  G  C 

Used to run down county road 2854 
Now I'm the boy that don't come around no more 
D                           C                      G 
Sometimes I wonder if they even still remember my name 

Light a cigarette and roll the windows down 
You can hear them diesels hummin' outta town 
D                         C                           G 
What if I'm scared to go back. What if nothing's the same? 

Em                          C             G 
Well it just might be the hardest thing I do 
Em                            C                       D 
Yeah, well, I can't seem to shake these Young Man's Blues 

Still see them double gates swinging out wide 
Nowadays that iron fence don't seem so high 
D                       C                           G 
I wonder if that rodeo man still lives across the street 

Don't wanna say "Goodbye" but it's time I guess 
Next time I drive by I hope it hurts a little less 
D                     C                 D 
Growin' up ain't all it's cracked up to be 

Em                          C             G 
Well it just might be the hardest thing I do 
Em                             C               D 
Yeah, well, memory lane won't let me roll on through 
Em                            C                       D 
Yeah, well, I can't seem to shake these Young Man's Blues 
Em                           C             G 
Well, it just might be the hardest thing I do 
Em                            C                       D 
Yeah, well, I can't seem to shake these Young Man's Blues 

Used to run down county road 2854 
Now I'm the boy that don't come around no more 
D                             C                      G 
Sometimes I wonder if she'll even still remember my name 

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