Parker McCollum

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To Be Loved By You Acordes

Parker McCollum



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To Be Loved By You

(Rhett Akins/Parker McCollum)

	  Intro: Asus4 A   Asus4  A     Asus4  A     Asus4  A 

Hell, maybe I'm right, maybe I'm wrong 
Finding out why shouldn't take this long 
Easier said than done, I guess 
I'm a little bit harder to love than the rest 
Why does this have to be so hard? 
Doing my best to hold your heart 
    E                        A 
And I, I'll never let it go again 

D So why are you always angry? A Why are you always quiet? E Why do you sleep alone A When I know you don't like it? D Maybe you might be different A Will it kill you to tell me the truth? E What in the Hell does a man D A Asus4 A Have to do, to be loved by you?
D Well I've been running as fast as I can A And you'll never get over what you can't understand E Pissed off, hanging up the telephone A Forever ain't far, I'm heading home D Maybe I'm right, maybe I'm wrong A Last time you ever gonna find me gone E A And I, I'll never let you go again
D So why are you always angry? A Why are you always quiet? E Why do you sleep alone A When I know you don't like it? D Maybe you might be different A Will it kill you to tell me the truth? E What in the Hell does a man D Dmaj7 D Have to do, to be loved by-----y
Solo D A E A** You (play this for A**)
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e|-0---0-0-0---0-0-0---0-0-0---0-0--| B|-2---2-2-2---2-2-2---2-2-2---2-2--| G|-2---2-2-2---2-2-2---2-2-2---2-2--| D|-2---2-2-2---2-2-2---2-2-2---2-2--| A|-0---0-0-2---2-2-4---4-4-5---5-5--| E|----------------------------------|
D So why are you always angry? A Why are you always quiet? E Why do you sleep alone A When I know you don't like it? D Maybe you might be different A Will it kill you to tell me the truth? E What in the Hell does a man D A Asus4 A Have to do, to be loved by you?
Outro A Asus4 A To be loved by you A Asus4 A To be loved by you A To be loved by you

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