Parker McCollum

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Big Ol Fancy House Acordes

Parker McCollum



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Big Ol Fancy House


C#m          A                     E 
Big ol fancy house, bunch of fancy cars. 
C#m                             A                       E 
Your perfume on the pillowcase, 2 swimming pools in the yard. 
C#m                   A                       E 
Flowers on the window seal look like about to die 
         C#m          A                  E 
And this big ol empty house is eating me alive. 

A I thought you would be the one to kill me C#m Guess its true I can’t live with your memory A B What do I do? I thought that I could live without you and I lied C#m A E Now this big ol empty house is eating me alive.
C#m A E Can’t walk out the door now the devil’s go the key C#m A E He’s the only one beside God who knows why you quit lovin me C#m A E Walls closing in now get to talking late at night. C#m A E And this big ol empty house is eating me alive.
A I thought you would be the one to kill me C#m Guess its true I can’t live with your memory A B What do I do? I thought that I could live without you and I lied C#m A E Now this big ol empty house is eating me alive. C#m A E Yeah this big ol empty house is eating me alive.
A I thought you would be the one to kill me C#m Guess its true I can’t live with your memory A B What do I do? I thought that I could live without you and I lied C#m A E Now this big ol empty house is eating me alive. C#m A E Yeah this big ol empty house is eating me alive.
Outro C#m A E This big ol fancy house, bunch of fancy cars.

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