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Kevin Gill - Head In The Waves Acordes

Misc Originals



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Kevin Gill - Head In The Waves

B   E   B   E   B   E   
B  E Ab E A E B 

B       E          B      E 
We all expected as much 
B       E          B        E         B   E   B   E 
We all knew it was such a trouble for you 
          B        E     B  E Ab E A E B 
Cause you told us 

B            E               B     N.C. 
We heard you knocking on the door 
B            E             B                  E 
We heard you knock but our feet stayed on the floor 
B          E    B    E          B      E    B  E Ab E A E B 
We didn't moo...oo...oo We sat frozen 

B E You lost your head in the waves B F# F# (You could've changed)
B E B E You had your ducks in a row B E B E All lined up but they wouldn't go B E B E B E B E Ab E A E B They wouldn't moo...oo...oove they sat frozen B E B E You thought you'd push 'em from behind B E B E They wouldn't budge so you pushed them all the time B E B E B E B E Ab E A E B They wouldn't moo...oo...oove they sat frozen
B E You lost your head in the waves B (You could've changed) E You lost your head in the waves B (You could've changed) E You lost your head in the waves B (You could've changed) B E You lost your head in the waves B F# F# F# (You could've changed)
Bridge Eb F# Eb F# Eb Db A F# F# F# F# F# Eb F# Eb F# Eb Db A F# F# F# F# F# Eb F# Eb F# Eb Db A F# F# F# F# F# Eb F# Eb F# Eb Db A B B B B B N.C. F# You had your head on straight F# You had your shoes on laced F# You had a pretty smiling face B B B B B N.C. What happened to you? F# The brain in your head started giving in F# The shoes on your feet started wearing thin F# The look on your face was less of a grin B B B B B N.C. What happened to you?
B E You lost your head in the waves B (You could've changed) E You lost your head in the waves B (You could've changed) E You lost your head in the waves B (You could've changed) B E You lost your head in the waves B (You could've changed) E You lost your head in the waves B (And your feet in the sand) E You lost your head in the waves B (And your eyes in the sun) E You lost your head in the waves B (Your skin's getting tan) B E You lost your head in the waves B (This beach is all done) E You lost your head in the waves B (This beach is all done) E You lost your head in the waves B (This beach is all done) E You lost your head in the waves B F# F# B (This beach is all done)

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