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Fulcrum - You Could Be Anyone Acordes

Misc Originals



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Fulcrum - You Could Be Anyone

Am  F   C   G 

Am            F        C     G 
Sun comes up, on the road 
Am              F         C     G 
Don't know where I'm going 
Am        F          C     G 
But I'm free, to be me 
Am             F            C     G 
So go ahead and stay home, if you want 

D               F           C          G 
If you know yourself, then come along with me 
D               F            C          G 
On that dusty road, lets run, we'll find our way 

F C G Don't have to stay in each town for long F C Am G We can be anywhere we want to be F C G Pack up your shit now let's be gone F C Am G F You can be anyone you want to be with me
Am F C G Looking back, on those days Am F C G Sleeping under endless skies Am F C G Life's a wheel at the turn Am F C G Don't let the world pass you by Am C G F You could be anyone
F C G Don't have to stay in each town for long F C Am G We can be anywhere we want to be F C G Pack up your shit now let's be gone F C Am G F You can be anyone you want to be with me

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