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Fulcrum - Winter Rain Acordes

Misc Originals



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Fulcrum - Winter Rain

C      G     D 

C      G     D              C             G     D 
And you know that it's over when she comes home alone 
C      G     D                 C         G     D 
And you know that he's sober, when he lies awake at night. 

Em             C       G            D/F# 
Winter rain it comes, knocking on your door again 
Em             C       G            D/F# 
The ceiling won't reply to your cries 

C G D Em Get down, walk away, never give up, never give in C G D Em Don't jump, this is not the end C G D Em He knows everything, who you are and where you've been C G D C G D Believe today it's going to change, it's going to change.
C G D C G D And you know, that he's dying, when his car rockets by C G D C G D And you know that she's flying, when the needle hits the ground.

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