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Fulcrum - Johnny Midnight Acordes

Misc Originals



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Fulcrum - Johnny Midnight

	  Intro: Em    C    D   G  D/F# 

Em  D/F#   G 
Cover’s blown 
We get those days, those heavy greys 
Em   D/F#   G 
We all know 
The ringing of an angry phone 

Johnny Midnight rides the moon 
He circles the darkening sky 
Night and day he makes his way 
G          D/F#     Bb     C 
To exactly where he started 
 Bb          C 
Behind that Wheel 

G F C Leaving town tonight G F C Bb C Feeling down, and I don’t know why G F C Prefect sounds, rush in Bb C Leaving town.
Em D/F# G Where to go? C You count the hours, and all your coins Em D/F# G Oh my God, C The depth of space, the time it takes Em Johnny Midnight seeks in vain D His destination always receding C Night and day he makes his way G D/F# Bb C To exactly where he started Bb C Behind that Wheel G Johnny Midnight rides the moon F He circles the darkening sky C Night and day he makes his way Bb C To exactly where he started G Johnny Midnight seeks in vain F Destination is receding C Where it’s gone no one knows Bb C Whispers were only fleeting…
G F C Leaving town tonight G F C Bb C Feeling down, and I don’t know why G F C Prefect sounds, rush in Bb C Leaving town. Bb C Leaving town. Bb C Leaving town.
Outro: Em C D G D/F# Em

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