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Fulcrum - Hide Acordes

Misc Originals



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Fulcrum - Hide

	  Intro: F  A    G 

F                                                Am            G 
Are they watching you? Are they waiting just to see your next move 
F                                                Am            G 
If they only knew, how hard you tried to do the right thing 
F                                                Am            G 
They might even hear, the sounds of your screaming 
F                                                Am            G 
If they only knew, if they only knew 

F Am G Hide from them, they're coming F Am C They're here to take you away F Am G They found out, who you are F Am C F You cannot fake it today
F Am G Is this really you? Is this the thing that you've become F Am G I always knew, I always knew it was false, false fake and make believe F Am G Could you be accused, could you be accused of dreaming? F Am G If they only knew, if they only knew
F Am G Don't hide then, fuck them F Am C They cannot take you away F Am G They know now, who you are F Am C F You will not fake it today
F Am G All the years have passed, what I see there in the mirror, is what's left F Am G Done with the shame and all the things they said about us F Am G We can take their words, and throw them in the sea F Am G Let them be, let them be F Am G Now they can see, Now they can see. F Me

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