Melanie C

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Fragile Acordes

Melanie C



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Tono:  C Más
Fragile Key GG
Fragile Key G#G#
Fragile Key AA
Fragile Key A#A#(Disminuir uno tono)
Fragile Key BB(Disminuir uno semi-tono)
Fragile Key CC(tono original)
Fragile Key C#C#(Aumentar uno semi-tono)
Fragile Key DD(Aumentar uno tono)
Fragile Key D#D#
Fragile Key EE
Fragile Key FF
Fragile Key F#F#
	  standard tuning. no capo 

Intro: C G C G 

C               G      C            G 
 Everything's laughter, always the same 
C           Em              D     C   G 
 When the light fades the moment ends 
C             G     C            G  
 Empty and restless, the fact remains 
C                     Em          D       C  G 
 You're tied to the highs that others lend 

Em      G               Am       C 
 Can I talk you down tonight, surrender 
Em         G                C             D 
 I'm not strong enough to fight with you anymore 

                C          D                   Em    G 
 I don't wanna feel real love when we're so fragile 
                C      D            Em   G 
 I could never be the one to tear apart 
           C                  D        B     Em   D 
 Help me free these selfish lies and jaded alibis 
        C          D                  Em D G C  
 With tears in my eyes I'll carry on 
 Em D G 

C             G       C                  G 
 Careless expressions, they're cold and vague  
C           Em            D            C  G 
 Stealing truth from the words you say 
C             G    C             G 
 I cowardly reason  while life escapes 
C            Em        D           C  G 
 Scared of running, afraid to stay 

Em        G               Am    C 
 I just need a little time, surrender 
Em       G                 C         D 
 I wont be your concubine, not for anyone 

                C          D                   Em    G 
 I don't wanna feel real love when we're so fragile 
                C      D            Em   G 
 I could never be the one to tear apart 
           C                  D        B     Em   D 
 Help me free these selfish lies and jaded alibis 
        C          D                   
 With tears in my eyes I'll carry on 

F       C                   G  D 
 Reach out you're not alone 
      F        C          G  D 
 Release your hold, let go 
       F         C             Em      A    
 The light may darken as your fears unfold 
C  D 

                C          D                   Em    G 
 I don't wanna feel real love when we're so fragile 
                C      D            Em   G 
 I could never be the one to tear apart 
           C                  D        B     Em   D 
 Help me free these selfish lies and jaded alibis 
        C          D                 Em D G C   
 With tears in my eyes I'll carry on 
       Em    D     C 
 With tears in my eyes 

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