Mel Torme

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Autumn In New York Acordes

Mel Torme



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Autumn In New York

(Vernon Duke)

Introdução: Verse 

Gm                          C7      F          
It time to end my lonely holiday  
                         C7                         Fm  C 
And bid the country a hasty farewell  
Gm                           C7      F             
So on this gray and melancholy day      
Bdim  Ab                  G           Ab 
I  moveto a Manhatan hotel 
           Bbm7           Eb7            Fm7     
I dispose of my rosecolored chattels  
             Bb7              Eb7M       Cm7               C7 
And prepare for my share of adventures and battles 
  F                 Gm5-/7            F      
Here on the twenty seventh floor  
            Gm5-/7                 Db7 C7/13-           F    Eb7/13-  Gb F7/13-  C7/13- 
Looking down on the city I hate          and adore 
Gm                    Am     
Autumn in New York  
Gm7              C7              F  Dm7 F 
Why does it seem so inviting 
Gm                    Am    
Autumn in New York  
Gm7              C7               Am7 D7 Am5-/7 D7/13- 
It spells the thrill of first  nighting 
Gm7                             Bbm7            Eb7        Ab                    Cm 
Glittering crowds and shimmering clouds in canyons of steel  
Ddim    Cm                    D7  G7     C 
They're making me feel        I'm home 
C7/13- Gm                      Am   
It's        autumn in New York  
Gm7                     C7             F       Dm7 
That brings a the promise of new love 
Cm7                   Dm   
Autumn in New York  
  Cm7     F7                   Bbm Gb Gm7 
Is often mingled with pain 
    Fm                  C7      Fm   Ab7/13-  
Dreamers with empty hands                 
       Db           Ab7/13-  Db 
My sigh for exotic  lands 
Fm7  Gm                    Am   
It's    autumn in New York  
Gm7                     C7 Fm   C7 
It's good to live it   again 
Gm                    Am     
Autumn in New York  
Gm7              C7           F  Dm7      F 
The gleaming rooftops at sundown 

Gm                    Am     Gm7              C7 
Will  tell you that        divinel   
                           Am7 D7 
Autumn in New York  
   Am5-/7 D7/13- 
It lifts you up when you rundown 
Gm7                  Bbm7           Eb7 
Jaded roués and gay divorcees        
         Ab                     Cm 
Who lunch at the Ritz 
Ddim Cm                     D7  G7 C 
Will    tell you that it         divinel 
C+    Gm                   Am    
This autumn in New York 
Gm7                   C7            F    Dm7   F 
Transforms the slums into Mayfair 
Cm7                     Dm  
Autumn in New York  
  Cm7                    F7           Bbm  Gb  Gm7 
You'll need no castles in Spain 
Fm              C7           Fm          Db             Ab7/13-  Db Fm7  
Lovers that bless the dark on benches in Central Park  greet  
Gm                     Am 
Autumn in New York 
Gm7                     C7 Fm Gm7  C7   F7M9/13 
It's good to live it again    in New York 

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