Maverick City Music

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Champion Acordes

Maverick City Music



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(Dante Bowe / Jonathan Jay / Steffany Gretzinger / Tony Brown)

Tono:  B Más
Champion Key F#F#
Champion Key GG
Champion Key G#G#
Champion Key AA(Disminuir uno tono)
Champion Key A#A#(Disminuir uno semi-tono)
Champion Key BB(tono original)
Champion Key CC(Aumentar uno semi-tono)
Champion Key C#C#(Aumentar uno tono)
Champion Key DD
Champion Key D#D#
Champion Key EE
Champion Key FF
G D/F# Em You are my champion D2 C Giants fall when You stand undefeated Em D/F# Every battle You've won G D/F# Em I am who You say I am D2 You crown me with confidence C Em D2 I am seated in the heavenly place C Em Undefeated with the One D C Who has conquered it all
G I've tried so hard to see it C/E Took me so long to believe it G/B That You choose someone like me Am To carry Your victory G Perfection could never earn it C/E You give what we don't deserve G/B And You take the broken things Am And raise them to glory
G D/F# Em You are my champion D2 C Giants fall when You stand undefeated Em D/F# Every battle You've won G D/F# Em I am who You say I am D2 You crown me with confidence C Em D2 I am seated in the heavenly place C Em Undefeated with the One D C Who has conquered it all
G Now I can finally see it Em You're teaching me how to receive it G/B So let all the striving cease Am This is my victory G Now I can finally see it Em You're teaching me how to receive it G/B So let all the striving cease Am This is my victory Refrão G D/F# Em You are my champion D2 C Giants fall when You stand undefeated Em D/F# Every battle You've won G D/F# Em I am who You say I am D2 You crown me with confidence C Em D2 I am seated in the heavenly place C Em Undefeated with the One D C Who has conquered it all ( C D Em ) ( D/F# G D ) Ponte C D Em When I lift my voice and shout D/F# G Every wall comes crashing down D I have the authority Jesus has given me C D Em When I open up my mouth D/F# G Miracles start breaking out D I have the authority Jesus has given me ( C D Em ) C D Em When I lift my voice and shout D/F# G Every wall comes crashing down D I have the authority Jesus has given me C D Em When I open up my mouth D/F# G Miracles start breaking out D I have the authority Jesus has given me
G D/F# Em You are my champion D2 C Giants fall when You stand undefeated Em D/F# Every battle You've won G D/F# Em I am who You say I am D2 You crown me with confidence C Em D2 I am seated in the heavenly place C Em Undefeated with the One D C Who has conquered it all
( C D Em D/F# G ) ( D Em D/F# G D ) C D Em When I lift my voice and shout D/F# G Every wall comes crashing down D I have the authority Jesus has given me C D Em When I open up my mouth D/F# G Miracles start breaking out D I have the authority Jesus has given me C D Em When I lift my voice and shout D/F# G Every wall comes crashing down D I have the authority Jesus has given me C D Em When I open up my mouth D/F# G Miracles start breaking out D I have the authority Jesus has given me
G D/F# Em You are my champion D2 C Giants fall when You stand undefeated Em D/F# Every battle You've won G D/F# Em I am who You say I am D2 You crown me with confidence C Em D2 I am seated in the heavenly place C Em Undefeated with the One D C Who has conquered it all

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