Mac Demarco

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European Vegas Acordes

Mac Demarco



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European Vegas

(Mac DeMarco)

	  Mac Demarco 
European Vegas 
Rock and Roll Night Club (2012) 
Captured Tracks 

Take this one with a pinch of salt as there aren't any definitive chords on the recording it's mostly  
lead guitar but these chords are based on the bass line and they work well when play it by yourself. 

No capo and to play it with the album version put your tuner to 445Hz 

Intro: A  F#m  C#m7  E  X2 
 A                      F#m   C#m7                        E                        
So you think you're lonely, you think that you're the only one 
A                 F#m C#m7                   E 
Baby, listen closely, let me be your number one 
    A                   F#m    C#m7                      E 
The city's getting colder, the streets are turning into ice 
   A                 F#m C#m7                      E 
So baby, hold me closer, let me stay for one more night 

F#m                 E       A        D       E    E 
Nothing's quite the same as European Vegas 
F#m                 E       A        D       E    E 
Nothing's quite the same as European Vegas 

   A             F#m  C#m7                  E 
So baby, take my hand walking down the avenue 
  A                  F#m   C#m7                         E 
I know you wanted Paris, I guess that this will have to do 
   A                      F#m C#m7                   E 
So come on quit your dreaming,girl I got the master plan 
    A              F#m C#m7                      E 
The city isn't so bad,when your with your lover man 

F#m                 E       A        D       E    E    
Nothing's quite the same as European Vegas   
F#m                 E       A        D       E    E 
Nothing's quite the same as European Vegas 

Solo:  F#m  D  A  E X4 

F#m                 E       A        D       E    E    
Nothing's quite the same as European Vegas 
F#m                 E       A        D       E    E 
Nothing's quite the same as European Vegas 
F#m                 E       A        D       E    E  
Nothing's quite the same as European Vegas 
F#m                 E       A        D       E    E 
Nothing's quite the same as European Vegas 

A (strummed once to end) 

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