Los Lonely Boys

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Heaven Acordes

Los Lonely Boys



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(Henry Garza, Joey Garza, Ringo Garza)

Tono:  F# Más
Heaven Key C#C#
Heaven Key DD
Heaven Key D#D#
Heaven Key EE(Disminuir uno tono)
Heaven Key FF(Disminuir uno semi-tono)
Heaven Key F#F#(tono original)
Heaven Key GG(Aumentar uno semi-tono)
Heaven Key G#G#(Aumentar uno tono)
Heaven Key AA
Heaven Key A#A#
Heaven Key BB
Heaven Key CC
Capo en el 2º traste
     E                     F#m                E      F#m
Sa-a-ave me from this prison lord help me get away 
          E                     F#m                 E    F#m    
Cause o-o-o-nly you can save me now from this misery 
    E                        F#m                         E            F#m 
I-I-I’ve been lost in my own place and I’m gettin’ weary, how far is heaven 
  E              F#m                       E            F#m                            E 
I know I need to change my way’s of livin’, how far is heaven, Lord can you tell me 
Solo break 
  E                        F#m                        E           F#m 
I’ve been locked up way to long in this crazy world, how far is heaven 
E                   F#m                          E             F#m 
I just keep prayin’ lord and just keep on livin’, how far is heaven 
                            E          F#m 
Yeah, lord can you tell me, how far is heaven 
                       E                     F#m                              E    F#m 
I just got to know how far it is, how far is heaven, Yeh, lord can you tell me 
Solo break 
F#m                             G#m    D      A            B   
Tu que estas en el alto cielo, echame tu bendicion 
(You who are in the highest heaven….give me your blessing) 
E                       F#m                              E            F#m         
I know there’s a better place then this place I’m livin’, how far is heaven 
   E                       F#m                            E            F#m         
So I just got to show some faith and just keep on givin’, how far is heaven 
                          E              F#m                              E         F#m         
Yeah lord can you tell me, how far is heaven, I just got to know how far, yeah 
E          F#m                                 E           F#m         
How far is heaven Yeah, lord can you tell me, how far is heaven 
                             E  F#m                        E      F#m 
Cause I just got to know how far, I just want a know how far 
Solo outro

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Disminuir uno semi-tonoDisminuir uno semi-tono
Disminuir uno tonoDisminuir uno semi-tono
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