Look Left

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Look Away Acordes

Look Left



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Look Away


Tono:  F Más
Look Away Key CC
Look Away Key C#C#
Look Away Key DD
Look Away Key D#D#(Disminuir uno tono)
Look Away Key EE(Disminuir uno semi-tono)
Look Away Key FF(tono original)
Look Away Key F#F#(Aumentar uno semi-tono)
Look Away Key GG(Aumentar uno tono)
Look Away Key G#G#
Look Away Key AA
Look Away Key A#A#
Look Away Key BB
F C Dm Bb  F C Dm Bb 

F C Dm Look away please hide your eyes Bb F You know my vision's based on size C Dm God has made my bed for me Bb F We'll hide away where none will see
Dm Am Forever and a day Bb F As many miles to walk away Dm Am Where happiness begins Bb F Don't know where I parked my car again
F C Dm Look away please hide your eyes Bb F You know my vision's based on size C Dm God has made my bed for me Bb F We'll hide away where none will see
Dm Am So just pack up and leave Bb F I've still got other souls to reave Dm Am Never wonder never why Bb F Another half a mile to buy
F C Dm Look away please hide your eyes Bb F You know my vision's based on size C Dm God has made my bed for me Bb F We'll hide away where none will see
Am Dm Never one to fall from grace Am Dm Never one to fall Am Dm If I landed on my face G C Would you recognize me at all?
F C Dm Look away please hide your eyes Bb F You know my vision's based on size C Dm God has made my bed for me Bb F We'll hide away where none will see
Dm Am See us melting into blue Bb F I could never get that far from you Dm Am still ignoring all the hype Bb F don't you know that I'm too sick to type
F C Dm Look away please hide your eyes Bb F You know my vision's based on size C Dm God has made my bed for me Bb F We'll hide away where none will see
Outro F C Dm Look away please hide your eyes Bb F You know my vision's based on size C Dm God has made my bed for me Bb F We'll hide away where none will see Bb F We'll hide away where none will see Bb We'll hide away where none will see

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