Kacey Musgraves

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Space Cowboy Acordes

Kacey Musgraves



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Space Cowboy

(Luke Laird/Shane McAnally/Kacey Musgraves)

verse 1 
C        Am 
You look out the window 
Em            F 
While I look at you 
C        Am 
Sayin' I don't know 
              Em                  F 
Would be like saying that the sky ain't blue 
    C                      Am 
And boots weren't made for sitting by the door 
Em                     F 
Since you don't wanna stay anymore 

C Am You can have your space, cowboy Em F I ain't gonna fence you in C Am Go on ride away, in your Silverado Em F Guess I'll see you 'round again C Am I know my place, and it ain't with you Em F Sunsets fade, and love does too C Am Yeah, we had our day in the sun, when a horse wants to run, Em F There ain't no sense in closing the gate C Am Em F You can have your space, cowboy
verse 2 C Am Em F After the gold rush, there ain't no reason to stay C Am Em F Shoulda learned from the movies that good guys don't run away C Am But roads weren't made to not go down Em F There ain't room for both of us in this town
C Am So you can have your space, cowboy Em F I ain't gonna fence you in C Am Go on ride away, in your Silverado Em F I'll see you around again C Am 'Cause I know my place, and it ain't with you Em F Sunsets fade, and love does too C Am We had our day in the sun, when a horse wants to run, Em F There ain't no sense in closing the gate C Am Em F So you can have your space, cowboy
Instrumental: D Bm F#m G D Bm F#m G
D Bm You can have your space, cowboy F#m G I ain't gonna fence you in D Bm Go on ride away, in your Silverado F#m G I'll see you around again D Bm 'Cause I know my place, and it ain't with you F#m G Sunsets fade, and love does too D Bm Oh, we had our day in the sun, when a horse wants to run, F#m G Ain't no sense in closing the gate D Bm F#m G You can have your space D Bm F#m G Yeah, you can have your space D Bm F#m You can have your space G Cowboy

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