Johnny Rivers

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I've Just Seen A Face Acordes

Johnny Rivers



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I've Just Seen A Face

(John Lennon and Paul McCartney)

Introduction: Em D F6 C7M D F9   

 G                                                                    Em 
I've just seen a face I can't for get the time or place where we just met 
She's just the girl for me and I want all the world to see we've met 
         D     G 
Na na na na na na 
 G                                                        Em 
Had it been another day I might have looked the other way and 
I'd have never been aware but as it is I'll dream of her tonight 
         D     G 
Da da da da da da  
   D                C                    G   C           G 
Falling yes I am falling and she keeps calling me back again 
 G                                                        Em 
I have never known the likes of this I've been alone and I have  
Missed things and kept out of sight but as it is I'll dream of her tonight 
         D     G 
Da da da da da da  
   D                C                    G   C           G 
Falling yes I am falling and she keeps calling me back again 
Interlude: G Em C D G 
   D                C                    G   C           G 
Falling yes I am falling and she keeps calling me back again 
 G                                                                    Em 
I've just seen a face I can't for get the time or place where we just met 
She's just the girl for me and I want all the world to see we've met 
         D     G 
Na na na na na na 
   D                C                    G   C           G 
Falling yes I am falling and she keeps calling me back again 
   D                C                    G   C           G 
Falling yes I am falling and she keeps calling me back again 
   D                C                    G   C           G 
Falling yes I am falling and she keeps calling me back again 

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