John Waite

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Shadows Of Love Acordes

John Waite



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Shadows Of Love

Capo en el 2º traste
nd Fret 
Intro: C  Em  Am  F  C  Em  Am  G  Am 
Go your way, I'll go mine, now the chain is broken 
C   Dm  F           G      Am 
You say you must be free 
I know it's good for you, but it ain't good for me 
    C Dm    F             G 
But I won't stand in your way 
C      Em       Am                        F 
If you need me, turn 'round and I will be there 
C         Em     Am        F 
I'll wait for you, I still care 
          G   Am 
Just remember all the time 
        Dm       F                          Am 
I'll be waiting, standing in the shadows of love (love), oh oh oh  
Your world, can't help it girl, and my heart is burning 
C Dm   F         G      Am 
I must find some way 
I put my heart on hold, for I am learning 
C     Dm    F        G    
Words can't make you stay 
C      Em       Am                        F 
If you need me, turn 'round and I will be there 
C         Em     Am        F 
I'll wait for you, I still care 
          G   Am 
Just remember all the time 
        Dm       F                          Am    Bb 
I'll be waiting, standing in the shadows of love 
               F                  G 
It's your life, but it's my world 
Go your way, I'll go mine 
You're still my girl 
Instrumental: Am  F  C  Em  C  Am  F  
          G   Am 
Just remember all the time 
        Dm       G                          Am    Em  
I'll be waiting, standing in the shadows of love 
          Dm       F                         C     Em 
Can't you see, I'm waiting in the shadows of love 
              Am  G                          C 
It's gonna be me, standing in the shadows of love 
     Am    F              C  Em  Am 
Yeah baby, waiting for ya 
G                         C     Em  Am 
Waiting in the shadows of love 
F                       G 
Waiting in the shadows 

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