Joey & Rory

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Josephine Acordes

Joey & Rory



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Tono:  D Más
Josephine Key AA
Josephine Key A#A#
Josephine Key BB
Josephine Key CC(Disminuir uno tono)
Josephine Key C#C#(Disminuir uno semi-tono)
Josephine Key DD(tono original)
Josephine Key D#D#(Aumentar uno semi-tono)
Josephine Key EE(Aumentar uno tono)
Josephine Key FF
Josephine Key F#F#
Josephine Key GG
Josephine Key G#G#
Capo en el 2º traste

Intro:  D (4x)

I'm writing this letter, my darling, from high on the hill 
We've been marching ten days and we're just outside Hopkins-ville 
           D                       D7                    G 
It's been snowing all night and we ain't got no more kero-sene 
     D                     A                     D 
It's colder than hell, hope you're doin' well, Jo-sephine 

There's a fever in camp and our boys are too sick to fight 
We done lost old Calvin, Beaver won't make it through the night 
  D                            D7                       G    G/B 
I hope I heard the captain say it's the worst he's ever seen 
    D                                A                       D 
I'm losin' some weight but I'm still standin' up straight, Jo-sephine 

G Tell my children I miss 'em and wish I could kiss 'em once more D A Bet they've grown a foot since they waved me goodbye at the door G Tell mama and daddy I'm alright and just want one more thing D A D D A I love you, I love you, I love you, Jose-phine
D There's three thousand union troops camped at the river below There's six hundreds of us, least there was two nights (A)ago D D7 G When Erwin deserted they hung him down by the tree D A D God I'm so scared, keep me in your prayers, Jo-sephine D Well, the orders come down, we'll attack tonight at nightfall A If we can stop 'em right here we can win this war once and for all D D7 G You know, I killed a union boy last week, bet he wasn't fourteen D A D He looked just like our son, for-give me for what I've done, Jo-sephine
G Tell my children I miss 'em and wish I could kiss 'em once more D A Bet they've grown a foot since they waved me goodbye at the door G Tell mama and daddy I'm alright and just want one more thing D A D I love you, I love you, I love you, Jose-phine
D And lastly my darling, in case I should be killed A Don't breathe me too long, promise me that you will D D7 G Marry another, don't let him treat our babies mean D A D When he's holding you, would you think of me too, Jo-sephine
G Tell my baby I miss 'em and wish I could kiss 'em once more D A Bet they've grown a foot since they waved me goodbye at the door G Tell mama and daddy I'm alright and just want one more thing D A D G I love you, I love you, I love you, Jose-phine D A D I love you, I love you, I love you, Jose-phine

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