Jett Holden

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Scarecrow Acordes

Jett Holden



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Tono:  Dm Más
Scarecrow Key AmAm
Scarecrow Key A#mA#m
Scarecrow Key BmBm
Scarecrow Key CmCm(Disminuir uno tono)
Scarecrow Key C#mC#m(Disminuir uno semi-tono)
Scarecrow Key DmDm(tono original)
Scarecrow Key D#mD#m(Aumentar uno semi-tono)
Scarecrow Key EmEm(Aumentar uno tono)
Scarecrow Key FmFm
Scarecrow Key F#mF#m
Scarecrow Key GmGm
Scarecrow Key G#mG#m
Capo en el 2º traste


Dm  Am   F   C   G  N.C. 

    Dm            Am 
The corners of my mind 
They lie shattered on the ground 
And if I stay here for too long 
They'll cut too deep for me to stand 
        Dm                 Am 
I could pick the pieces up 
And place my mind back shard by shard 
But there's no adhesive strong enough 
To keep me holding on 

Dm Am But there's a difference between being fine F And holding it together C G I'm just trying my best to survive til morning Dm Am And there's a difference between loving you F And dealing with the shit you do C G Sometimes it's better to be miserable, than lonely Dm Am F And if I only had a brain, said the scarecrow to the bird. C Then I'd find the words to say G So that you wouldn't fly away. Dm Am I wish I were a tin man, F Then I'd have no heart to break. C But I'm afraid that I'm the lion G With no pride left to take.
Interlude Dm Am F C G N.C. Dm Am The whiskey on my breath F Speaks the story I won't tell C If anyone should ask G I'll always say I'm doing well Dm Am Cause I'm nobody's fool F As long as Nobody's your name C Picture perfect is the portrait G Hanging in the frame
Dm Am But there's a difference between being fine F And holding it together C G I'm just trying my best to survive til morning Dm Am And there's a difference between loving you F And dealing with the shit you do C G Sometimes it's better to be miserable, than lonely Dm Am F And if I only had a brain, said the scarecrow to the bird. C Then I'd find the words to say G So that you wouldn't fly away. Dm Am I wish I were a tin man, F Then I'd have no heart to break. C But I'm afraid that I'm the lion G With no pride left to take.
Dm And I'm terrified to fall G I've never been the kind to risk it all C Bb On unfavorable odds F It's never worth the cost you pay E A fine line on a tightrope E No net to catch your blunder E If you topple it won't matter E You'll be buried six feet under
Dm Am F If I only had a brain, said the scarecrow to the bird. C Then I'd find the words to say G So that you wouldn't fly away. Dm Am I wish I were a tin man, F Then I'd have no heart to break. C But I'm afraid that I'm the lion G Fm With no pride left to take.
Outro Dm Am F C G

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