Jamie Mcdell

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Dumb Acordes

Jamie Mcdell



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(Jamie Mcdell,mitch Kenny,esther Sparks)

Tono:  Em Más
Dumb Key BmBm
Dumb Key CmCm
Dumb Key C#mC#m
Dumb Key DmDm(Disminuir uno tono)
Dumb Key D#mD#m(Disminuir uno semi-tono)
Dumb Key EmEm(tono original)
Dumb Key FmFm(Aumentar uno semi-tono)
Dumb Key F#mF#m(Aumentar uno tono)
Dumb Key GmGm
Dumb Key G#mG#m
Dumb Key AmAm
Dumb Key A#mA#m


     Em                D    
I'm heading down this road, 
             G                G 
I might not know which way to go 
        C G          C       Bm7 
That's OK, I'm just young & dumb! 
   Em              D     
I wear my shoes a little bigger, 
   G                  G 
I fall for all your dirty tricks 
      C   G          C       Bm7 
It's fine, I'm just young & dumb! 

 Em                      D 
Missy, come and catch me if you can 
     G                            G 
And wrap me 'round your hips and let's just dance 
 C                             G 
Missed in shooting an arrow through my heart 
  C                       Bm7  
Come on, let's take this way too far 

  Em              D 
I get away with anything 
      G                   G               C       G 
I'll rob your heart with just a wink and run 
          C       Bm7 
I'm just young & dumb! 

Em  D    G    G   C 
Run me off this road, 
Crash right off the bridge 
    C            Bm7 
We only got one life to live! 
   Em  D   G   G   C 
Before we get too old, 
             G       C                           Bm7 
Take your memories, they're all that you'll have left of me 

Em          D 
Da da da da da da da 
Da da da da da da da 
Em          D 
Da da da da da da da 
G           Bm7 
Da da da da da da da 

 I'm putting on this show 
 Forgetting what I should have known 
 I beat my drums, 'cause I'm young & dumb! 
 I'm shooting cannonball, exploding everywhere I fall 
 You better run, 'cause I'm young & dumb! 

 Missy, come and catch me if you can 
 And wrap me 'round your hips and let's just dance 
 Missed in shooting an arrow through my heart 
 Come on, let's take this way too far 

 I'm standing with a gun 
 I'm counting down four, three, two, one 
 Tick-tock it's time, I'm just young & dumb! 

 Run me off this road, 
 Crash right off the bridge 
 We only got one life to live! 
 Before we get too old, 
 Take your memories, they're all that you'll have left of me 
 Running off this road, 
 Don't you rescue me, 
 I know your water's testing me 
 Cross my way back home, 
 But it's all fun to me, 
 'cause walls are my worst enemy! 

 Da ta ta ta ta ta 
 Da ta ta ta ta ta 
 Da ta ta ta ta ta 
 Da ta ta ta ta ta 

 Now there's blisters on my feet, 
 Giant hole inside my dreams, 
 All for some fun, I was young & dumb! 

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