Harrison Boe

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I Can't Find Your House Acordes

Harrison Boe



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I Can't Find Your House

Capo en el 2º traste


          C                         G 
Keep your friends close and your enemies closer 
          Em                    D 
What does that make me when you ask me to come over? 
          C                            G 
It's been too long, but not long enough 
         Em                             D 
I was so close to forgetting everything that meant so much 
                    C                       G 
You said you missed me and I wanted to feel needed 
                  Em                        D 
So just like that all my pride wasn't worth keeping 

C G Oh I hate how I couldn't find your house D Em After my phone died a couple miles out C G I don't recognize any intersection ahead of me D Em No, not since loving you quit being muscle memory C G And hony you should know I was so proud D Em When you stopped haunting evry street in this whole town C G Now I just feel sick for having to slow down D Do you know why? Em C G D Em7 Why oh why oh why I can't find your house
C G Now it's pitch black I have no directions Em D Treating the spread limit sign like the weakest of suggestions C G I'm in danger of my emotions flooding D Em7 I guess it's on me falling for someone who doesn't even love me C G We keep talking but all I've ever felt was D Em7 Reminded your life's something I won't ever be a part of
C G I still hate how I couldn't find your house D Em After my phone died a couple miles out C G I don't recognize any intersection ahead of me D Em No, not since loving you quit being muscle memory C G And hony you should know I was so proud D Em7 When you stopped haunting evry street in this whole town C G Now I just feel sick for having to slow down D Do you know why? Em7 C G D Em7 Why oh why oh why I can't find your house
C I'm sure we broke up for a reason G It just feels so unimportant D Compared to the feeling Em7 I get waiting at your doorstep C I got painkillers in the car G I'll take 12 in the morning D Blame myself for the clouds Em7 The second you say that it's pouring C I'm sure you left me for a reason G It just feels so unimportant D Compared to the feeling Em7 I get waiting at your doorstep C I got painkillers in the car G I'll take 12 and drive away D Praying it's not me you think of Em When you picture all the worst choices that you have ever made
C G Oh I hate how I couldn't find your house D Em After my phone died a couple miles out C G I don't recognize any intersection ahead of me D Em No, not since loving you quit being muscle memory C G And hony you should know I was so proud D Em7 When you stopped haunting evry street in this whole town C G Now I just feel sick for having to slow down D Do you know why? Em7 C G Why oh why oh why I can't find your house
Outro D I would be there Em C G But I can't find your house D Do you know why? Em7 N.C. Why oh why oh why I can't find your house

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