Hands Like Houses

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A Tale Of Outer Suburbia Acordes

Hands Like Houses



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A Tale Of Outer Suburbia

(Hands Like Houses)


C                        Em        D 
Pry the darkness from my eyes. 
C                Am         Bm 
Divided, let the light seep in. 
C                                   Em         D 
Trees devoid of branches and hollow hives.  
C                    Am    Em    Bm 
An endless black and empty beds. 

C                  Am 
It's not the same, something's changed. 
Em                 D                    C 
I never used to be able to see past the trees. 
           Am      Em                         Bm             Em   Bm   Am 
A thousand unfamiliars are lying thick on the air and I can't breathe. 

C                             Am                Em           D 
Is our skin to keep the world out or our bodies in? 
C                      Am                           Em           G 
This doesn't look like home; this doesn't look like home. 
C                             Am               Em           D 
Is our skin to keep the world out or our bodies in? 
C                   Am                         Em           D 
I'll tear apart the town then sleep, and sleep alone. 

Em                                C               Am                           Em 
If I'm a flame, I'm a forest fire speaking savage tongues as I emerge from the hills. 
I am an avalanche, I am unchained. 
Am                       C 
I'm awoken, I'll unleash hell. 
     Am                 Em                 D                  C   Am               Em    Bm 
So I roar, pin back my ears, and stone by stone I'll tear it all, I'll tear it apart. 

C                             Am                Em           D 
Is our skin to keep the world out or our bodies in? 
C                      Am                           Em        (G)  D 
This doesn't look like home; this doesn't look like home. 
C                             G                 Em           
Is our skin to keep the world out or our bodies in? 
(This doesn't look like home; this doesn't look like home.) 
C                   Am                         Em          
I'll tear apart the town then sleep, and sleep alone. 
                         D                             C 
(This doesn't look like home; this doesn't look like home.) 
           D                  Em 
I've lost faith, the forest's changed. 
             G                  C 
My stomach's empty, I'm feeling faint. 
          D                   Em 
I've lost heart, the forest's scarred. 
          G                   C 
I hear no birds, just TVs and cars. 
          D                    Em 
I've lost faith, the forest's changed. 
             G                  C 
My stomach's empty, I'm feeling faint. 

          D                    Em 
I've lost sight, the forest's died. 
                 G                    C 
The brambles are bare, and I'm hollow inside. 
            D                       Em G  C           D                        Em    G    Am  
Each breath rattles like dice in my chest, each breath gambled, unwinding till death. 

C                             Am                Em           D 
Is our skin to keep the world out or our bodies in? 
C                      Am                           Em        (G)  D 
This doesn't look like home; this doesn't look like home. 
C                             G                 Em           
Is our skin to keep the world out or our bodies in? 
(This doesn't look like home; this doesn't look like home.) 
C                   Am                         Em          
I'll tear apart the town then sleep, and sleep alone. 
                        D                              C 
(This doesn't look like home; this doesn't look like home.) 

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