Gordon Lightfoot

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Early Morning Rain Acordes

Gordon Lightfoot



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Early Morning Rain

(Gordon Lightfoot)

	  D                    A           G6           D       G6 D                                                   
In the early morning rain with a dollar in my hand 
                     G6                           D      G6  D                                                       
With an aching in my heart and my pockets full of sand 
                    G6         A                  D     G6  D                                                             
I'm a long way from home and I miss my loved ones so 
                     A         G6          D    G6  D                                              
In the early morning rain with no place to go 

D                    A                G6           D     G6 D                                                
Out on runway number nine big seven-o-seven set to go 
                           G6                        D        G6  D                                                           
But, I'm stuck here in the grass where the cold wind blows 
                       G6           A              D    G6  D                                                        
Now, the liquor tasted good and the women all were fast 
                         A                  G6             D    G6  D                                                               
Well, there she goes, my friend, well she's rollin now at last 

D                       A              G6             D     G6 D                                                           
Hear the mighty engines roar - see the silver bird on high 
                        G6                                  D     G6  D                              
She's away and westward bound - Far above the clouds she'll fly 
                             G6           A          D        G6  D                                                                                          
Where the mornin' rain don't fall and the sun always shines 
                         A             G6          D    G6  D                                                        
She'll be flying o'er my home in about three hours time 

D                         A              G6              D     G6 D                                                            
This old airport's got me down - it's no earthly good to me 
                            G6                                 D     G6  D                                   
Cause I'm stuck here on the ground As cold and drunk as I can be 
                     G6             A             D    G6  D                                                        
You can't jump a jet plane like you can a freight train 
                      A          G6            D    G6  D                                                    
So, I'd best be on my way in the early morning rain 

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