Goodbye June

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Be Yourself Acordes

Goodbye June



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Be Yourself

Tono:  C Más
Be Yourself Key GG
Be Yourself Key G#G#
Be Yourself Key AA
Be Yourself Key A#A#(Disminuir uno tono)
Be Yourself Key BB(Disminuir uno semi-tono)
Be Yourself Key CC(tono original)
Be Yourself Key C#C#(Aumentar uno semi-tono)
Be Yourself Key DD(Aumentar uno tono)
Be Yourself Key D#D#
Be Yourself Key EE
Be Yourself Key FF
Be Yourself Key F#F#
Intro: | C   Csus4   C    D#   D#sus4   D#  | 6x 

 C   Csus4   C    D#    D#sus4   D# 
     C                Csus4   C    D# 
I'm calling out your lone----ly   name 
 C   Csus4   C    D#    D#sus4   D# 
          C               Csus4   C   D#    D#sus4   D# 
You keep falling down mistakes   you made 
             C     Csus4   C 
Where's the light 
       D#    D#sus4   D# 
That broke 
      C   Csus4   C    D#   D#sus4   D# 
Your haze? 
       C     Csus4   C 
Take flight 
            D#    D#sus4   D# 
And be yourself 
  C   Csus4   C    D#   D#sus4   D#    G    F    C   Csus4   C 
           D#       D#sus4  D#   C    Csus4   C 
There's a lot that needs   to  change 
         D#             D#sus4   D#   C   Csus4   C 
You're crying like the pou------ring rain 
           D#       D#sus4  D#   C    Csus4   C 
There's a lot that needs   to  change 
        D#            D#sus4  D#    G     F    G    F 
Time to open up your heart    a----gain 

C F/A F G Come outside and play you know it’s good for your health F C Go on and be yourself F/A F G I know you're afraid and you've been through hell F C Go on and be yourself F/A F G Time to lose the pain that you always felt, yeah F C Go on and be yourself C F/A F G Don't be something for somebody else F C Go on and be yourself G F C And love yourself G F C Their ain't nobody else, yeah G F Go on and be your
Instrumental | C Csus4 C D# D#sus4 D# | 2x C Csus4 C Dark D# D#sus4 D# Mirror C Csus4 C D# D#sus4 D# Wonder who you'll see in the frame C Csus4 C Smile D# D#sus4 D# My dear C Csus4 C D# D#sus4 D# C Csus4 C There's so much to be gained from the pain D# D#sus4 D# C Csus4 C There's a lot that needs to change D# D#sus4 D# C Csus4 C You'll never be the sa-------me my friend D# D#sus4 D# C Csus4 C Let your mind design the way D# D#sus4 D# G F G F Time to open up your heart a----gain
C F/A F G Come outside and play you know it’s good for your health F C Go on and be yourself F/A F G I know you're afraid and you've been through hell F C Go on and be yourself F/A F G Time to lose the pain that you always felt, yeah F C Go on and be yourself C F/A F G Don't be something for somebody else F C Go on and be yourself G F C And love yourself G F C Their ain't nobody else, yeah G F Go on and be your- C Self
Solo: | D# C | D# C A# F/A | | A# C D# C | D# C A# F/A G | | D# C D# C | D# C A# F/A | | A# C D# C | D# C A# F/A F G |
C F G Time to lose the pain that you always felt, yeah F C Go on and be yourself F/A F G Don't be something for somebody else F C F/A F G Go on and be yourself F C F/A Go on and be yourself F G And love yourself F C Go on and be yourself G F C And love yourself G F C Their ain't nobody else, no G F Go on and be your
Ending: | C Csus4 C D# D#sus4 D# | 5x | C Csus4 C |

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