
Início > Glasvegas > acordes

Lots Sometimes Acordes




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Lots Sometimes


This song is very repetitive and is played the same way throughout the entire song.  
I just thought, since nobody else had upploaded it, that I would do so.  
In the first verse they don't really play anything except for a faint C in the background. 

C                       F        C 
I still think about you lots sometimes 
C                                      F        C 
It makes me sad when I think about you lots sometimes 
C                                              F        C 
It makes me laugh out loud when I think of you lots sometimes 
C                                         F        C 
A flame burns bright inside of me for you lots sometimes 
G        C      F    G   C   
Lots sometimes, lots sometimes  

C                                          F        C 
Something hurts inside when I think of you lots sometimes 
C                                       F        C 
I see a distance when I think about you lots sometimes 
C                                                  F        C 
The birds sing for me and you in the morning light lots sometimes 
C                                  F        C 
I feel lost when I think about you lots sometimes 
G        C      F    G   C   
Lots sometimes, lots sometimes  

C                                      F        C 
I'm out of control when I think of you lots sometimes 
C                                     F        C 
I tell myself I dont need you anymore lots sometimes 
C                                    F        C 
I wonder if you ever loved me at all lots sometimes 
C                                        F        C 
I don't want to live without you anymore lots sometimes 
G        C      F    G   C   
Lots sometimes, lots sometimes  

C                                                       F        C 
I dot to dot with the stars to spell your name at night lots sometimes 
C                                                F        C 
The flowers in my garden still await your return lots sometimes 
C                                               F        C 
The evening breeze whispers your name in my ear lots sometimes 
C                                              F        C 
I picture me and you when I lie awake at night lots sometimes 
G        C      G        C      F    G       C   
Lots sometimes, lots sometimes, lots sometimes  

C                                      F        C 
It makes me mad when I think about you lots sometimes 
C                                                  F        C 
I feel lower than the pavement when I think of you lots sometimes 
C                                   F        C 
I wish you here with me nocturnally lots sometimes 
C                                  F        C 
I hope your happy wherever you are lots sometimes 
G        C      F    G       C   
Lots sometimes, lots sometimes  

C                                         F        C 
I pray to god I haven't lost you for good lots sometimes 
C                                             F        C 
I hold on to hope I'm somewhere in your heart lots sometimes 
C                                      F        C 
I can't help it when I think about you lots sometimes 
C                                          F        C 
I miss you like I've never missed anything lots sometimes 
G        C      F    G       C   
Lots sometimes, lots sometimes  

C                                    F        C 
I find it hard to let go and move on lots sometimes 
C                                                 F        C 
I really thought we could have made it to the end lots sometimes 
C                                         F        C 
I guess I never stopped loving you at all lots sometimes 
C                       F        C 
I still think about you lots sometimes 
G        C      G        C      F    G   C   
Lots sometimes, lots sometimes, lots sometimes  

G        C      G        C      G        C 
Lots sometimes, lots sometimes, lots sometimes 

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