Giant Rooks

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For You Acordes

Giant Rooks



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For You

(Finn Jonas Schwieters / Frederik Rabe / Finn Thomas / Jonathan Wischniowski / Luca Göttner)

Tono:  C Más
For You Key GG
For You Key G#G#
For You Key AA
For You Key A#A#(Disminuir uno tono)
For You Key BB(Disminuir uno semi-tono)
For You Key CC(tono original)
For You Key C#C#(Aumentar uno semi-tono)
For You Key DD(Aumentar uno tono)
For You Key D#D#
For You Key EE
For You Key FF
For You Key F#F#

C                 C7M      F 
  I'll follow you down the road 
       Fm            C 
Up the hill into the dark 
         C7M        F 
Past the strawberry fields 
To the cemetery gates 

  We'll make it count together 
F              Fm 
  One day, lie down forever 
C          Em                F 
  When the sun sets, I'll be waitin' 
      Fm             C 
At the shore for you 

C                        F 
  We are like wanderin' stars 
(Wanderin' stars) 
C                      F 
  Nothing can tear us apart (Tear 
Us apart) 

  We'll make it count together 
F              Fm 
  One day, lie down forever 
C          Em                F 
  When the sun sets, I'll be waitin' 
At the shore for you 
C    Em  F 
  Ah-ah, ah (Yeah-yeah), for you 
C    Em  F 
  Ah-ah, ah (Yeah) 

( C  Em  F ) 
( C  Em  F ) 

C    Dm   Am  F 

C    Em   F   Fm 

C                 C7M      F 
  I'll follow you down the road 
       Fm            C 
Up the hill into the dark 
         C7M        F 
Past the strawberry fields 
To the cemetery gates 

C               Dm 
  We'll make it count together 
Am             F 
  One day, lie down forever 
C          Em                F 
  When the sun sets, I'll be waitin' 
At the shore 
For you 
C   Em  F 
 Ah-ah, ah (Yeah-yeah), for you 
C   Em  F 
 Ah-ah, ah (Yeah) 

       C              Dm 
If the sky is ablaze, Gods pray for 
    Am                  F 
But I'm gonna hold up a sign with your 
C          Em                F 
  When the sun sets, I'll be waitin' 
At the shore (For you) 

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