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Portal 2 - Why, Wheatley, Why? Acordes




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Portal 2 - Why, Wheatley, Why?


E         A            
I'd awoken from a coma 
E                     B 
And I saw you hangin' there  
E               A         C#m 
You had asked me to try to speak to you 
A         B                    A      E 
But I just jumped up in the air  
E                      A 
Then we started shakin' and I was so scared  
E                               B 
But you led me safely from that room 
            E                      A          C#m 
And then you helped me disable the deadly neurotoxin 
A               B                 A     E 
That would have surely spelled my doom 

A E So Wheatley, why'd you try to kill me? A B E After all that we'd been through A B C#m B A Everything we'd done seemed like so much fun A Am E But I just don't know what happened to you
VERSE 2: (Same chords as verse 1) Well I remember those times we were together When you weren't totally insane Breakin' windows and solving puzzles My oh my, how things have changed CHORUS 2: (Repeat chorus) BRIDGE: C#m F# I never called you a moron C#m I never said that you looked fat F# I never claimed you were adopted C#m Or asked you to buy me a hat E I only wanted to help you B 'Cause I thought that you'd help me C Then I found out you were evil as evil Can be......yeah! GUITAR SOLO: (Chords of chorus)
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e|---------------------------------------------------------| B|-------9-12-12b14---12---9-12-9--------------------------| G|-9-11---------------------------11-9-11-9-------9-11-9---| D|--------------------------------------------9-11---------| A|---------------------------------------------------------| E|---------------------------------------------------------| e|---------------------12-14-12---------------------------------------| B|------9-12b14---12-----------14-12-14-12------12---12-12-12-14-14-14| G|-9-11------------------------------------13-------------------------| D|--------------------------------------------------------------------| A|--------------------------------------------------------------------| E|--------------------------------------------------------------------| e|----------------------------------------14b16-14-12-14-12----------| B|14-16-16-16-16-17-17-17-19-19-19-17-17-------------------14---12-14| G|-------------------------------------------------------------------| D|-------------------------------------------------------------------| A|-------------------------------------------------------------------| E|-------------------------------------------------------------------| e|--------14b16-------12-14-12------------------------------| B|14-16-14--------------------------------------------------| G|----------------------------------------------------------| D|----------------------------------------------------------| A|----------------------------------------------------------| E|----------------------------------------------------------|
VERSE 3: (Same chords as verses) You were my best friend but you know it had to end Because nothing gold can stay When you said that I'd die I felt a teardrop in my eye That's when I started to say.. CHORUS 3 (Repeat chorus) CHORUS 4 (Same chords) Wheatley, why'd you make me kill you? Shot you through a portal to the moon You're floatin' round in space And I just can't replace This Wheatley-sized hole in my... Heart

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