Future Sunsets

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Natural Disaster Acordes

Future Sunsets



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Natural Disaster

	  Intro G  C9  D4  
        G  C9  D   

Toss my heart out 
Cause it's beating too loud 
      G                              C9 
And I need to find the silence within me 
Like a rose in the ground 
With its thorns facing out 
           G                            C9 
There is beauty in the things that make us bleed 

            G      D4 
That make us bleed 
         D             G      C9  D4 
In the things that make us bleed 

G Who would I be? D4 Who would I be? C9 G If the landslide was always easy Em D4 And the riptide could never reach me G Who would I be? D4 Who would I be? C9 G If the earthquake could never shake me Em D4 D And the crack in my heart don't break me G C9 D4 Oh I'm a natural disaster G C9 D4 D A natural disaster
G C9 Maybe I'm right and maybe I'm wrong G C9 D4 D But in a single moment their the same G C9 And as my weight pushes me back down G C9 D4 D It's giving me the strength to take a stand G Who would I be? D4 Who would I be C9 G If the landslide was always easy Em D4 And the riptide could never reach me G Who would I be? D4 Who would I be? C9 G If the earthquake could never shake me Em D4 D And the crack in my heart don't break me G C9 D4 Oh I'm a natural disaster G C9 D4 D A natural disaster C9 Em D4 I won't let the rain bring me down D Won't the let the rain bring me down C9 Em D4 Won't the let the rain bring me down D Yeah C9 Em D4 I won't let the rain bring me down D Won't the let the rain bring me down C9 Em D4 D Won't the let the rain bring me down G Well that rose in the ground C9 With its thorns facing out G C9 Is a symbol of the courage that I need
G Who would I be? D4 Who would I be? C9 G If the landslide was always easy Em D4 And the riptide could never reach me G Who would I be? D4 D Who would I be? C9 G If the earthquake could never shake me Em D4 D And the crack in my heart don't break me G C9 D4 D Oh I'm a natural disaster G C9 D4 D Oh I'm a natural disaster Yeah C9 Em D4 I won't let the rain bring me down D I won't the let the rain bring me down C9 Em D4 I won't let the rain bring me down

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