Front Porch Step

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So Help Me God Acordes

Front Porch Step



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So Help Me God

Intro:  Am C G          Em  

verse 1 
Am                              C   G   
I feel this darkness creep like thunder 
Am                         C     G 
Its rolling straight into my spine 
Am                        C    G 
I feel temptation pull me under 
Am                         C   G 
My gold has lost all of its shine 
Am               C     G 
I try so hard to stay together 
Am                       C  G 
When everythings falling apart 
Am                       C  G 
I said that Id stay gold forever 
Am                          C   G 
It seems that Ive misplaced my heart 

C G Am Save me from myself, hold me down F Lock me away, don't let me out C G Am Tie up my wrists and have me shot F Please save yourselves, so help me God
verse 2 Am C G I once was pushed when I was younger Am C G I gashed my knee, and I loved the pain (Oh how I loved to feel the pain) Am C G And suddenly I had the hunger Am C G to rise up And make him feel the same (I think thats when I went insane) Am C G I pushed him back but I pushed harder Am C G I watched him slam into the ground (I watched him slam into the ground) Am C G One day i'll die but Im no martyr Am C G And I fear that hell is where I'm bound
C G Am Save me from myself, hold me down F Lock me away, dont let me out C G Am Tie up my wrists and have me shot F Please save yourselves, so help me God C G Am F so help me God
Bridge C G This gunshot will drown out the noise in my head Am F But these bloodstains won't cover the shame in my bed C G And I can't think about it Cause I don't have the time Am F Cause either way I'll lose my mind
C G Am Save me from myself, hold me down F Lock me away, dont let me out C G Am Tie up my wrists and have me shot F Please save yourselves, so help me God C G Am Save me from myself, hold me down F Lock me away, don't let me out C G Am Tie up my wrists and have me shot F Please save yourselves, so help me God

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