Frank Ray

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I'm Yours Acordes

Frank Ray



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I'm Yours

Tono:  G Más
I'm Yours Key DD
I'm Yours Key D#D#
I'm Yours Key EE
I'm Yours Key FF(Disminuir uno tono)
I'm Yours Key F#F#(Disminuir uno semi-tono)
I'm Yours Key GG(tono original)
I'm Yours Key G#G#(Aumentar uno semi-tono)
I'm Yours Key AA(Aumentar uno tono)
I'm Yours Key A#A#
I'm Yours Key BB
I'm Yours Key CC
I'm Yours Key C#C#
| G | Em F | G | Em F | 

G                                Em   F 
You’ve been second guessing your self 
G                         Em              F 
  All your desires sittin up on the shelf 
G                             Em   F 
  But I’m here to tell you no more 
    G                            Em 
And all it’s gonna cost you is a knock on my door 

F G C If you want it girl I got it baby every day Em D I’m yours if you want it baby just say my name G C It don’t matter any minute or the hour of the day Em I know if you want it baby D G Em F G Em F Just say my, just say my name
G Em F It’s like you’ve been holding the lamp G Em F Like a genie in a bottle, I’m your magic man G Em F Make all your wishes come true, yeah G Em And all you’ve got to do is hold me close to you
F G C If you want it girl I got it baby every day Em D I’m yours if you want it baby just say my name G C It don’t matter any minute or the hour of the day Em I’m yours if you want it baby D G Just say my, just say my name
Solo | G | C | Em | D | Ah yeah F C Cause I’ve been waitin such a long long time G D For you to make up your mi-i-ind F C No expiration on this, this invitation baby D Just press your lips on mine
G C Cause I got it if you want it, baby everyday Em D I’m yours if you want it baby just say my name G C It don’t matter any minute or the hour of the day Em D I’m yours if you want it baby just say my name G C Cause I got it if you want it, baby everyday Em D I’m yours if you want it baby just say my name G C It don’t matter any minute or the hour of the day Em I’m yours if you want it baby D G C Just say my, just say my name
Outro Em D Oh oh oh oh oh oh yeah G C Em Just say my na-a-ame, ah baby D G I love you, just say my name

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