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At Least We Found The Floor Acordes




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At Least We Found The Floor


G           320003 
C           X32010 
Am          X02210 
Em          022000 
D           X5777X 
Em*         X7998X 
Cmaj7       X32000 

G C G Am Em D Em* 

G        C       G 
Oh fuck, here he comes again 
    Am       Em         D          Em* 
The bad luck demon that I can't stop kissing 
G                    C    G 
 He's a rockslide on Halloween 
       Am      Em        D   Em* 
He's a totaled rental in 2016 
 We didn't really need him then 
 We never really do but he said 

Cmaj7 "Well honey, at least you found the floor Am G Em G It can't get much worse than this" Cmaj7 "Well honey, at least you found the floor Am G Em G It can't get much worse than this" Cmaj7 "Well honey, at least you found the floor Am G Em G It can't get much worse than this" Cmaj7 "Hey honey, this isn't the floor yet Am G Em G It's gonna get much worse than this"
Interlude G C G Am Em D Em* G C G Oh God, he's everywhere I go Am Em D Em* He's in my head like a metronome G C G Clicking inside my brain Am Em D Em* So I can't find tempo without a little bit of pain G And maybe we could have lived without him G But what would that look like, he tells me
Cmaj7 "Well honey, at least you found the floor Am G Em G It can't get much worse than this" Cmaj7 "Well honey, at least you found the floor Am G Em G It can't get much worse than this" Cmaj7 "Well honey, at least you found the floor Am G Em G It can't get much worse than this" Cmaj7 "Hey honey, this isn't the floor yet Am G Em G It's gonna get much worse than this"
Outro C Am G Em G Yeah, it's gonna get much worse than this

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