Four Year Strong

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Sparkle Motion Acordes

Four Year Strong



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Sparkle Motion



You can thank me 
    G                        D 
For finding out a way to turn back time 
                 Am                        C 
See there's this ghosts who's a friend of mine 
Who always keeps me safe 
Until I wake up, and rise 
From a hard and a shallow grave 

Instrumental: C - G - D - Am x2 

C                   G 
 This philosophy is killing me 
           D                         Am 
Still your willing to stay while a ghost set the blaze 
That's gonna kick start a craze 
 That gets my named praised 
D                    Am 
 Down in history for burning down his privacy 

G                   Am 
 Polish of your last glass 
            C                     D 
Breath out one last sigh.. and kiss your ass good bye 

Am                    C                      G 
Get up and go, get up and go and on with the show. 
             F#m G                     F#m 
If you just stop trying it'll come to you. 
Am                    C                 G 
Get up and go, get up and go, give it a go. 
                 F#m                       Am 
If you gotta know, I guess I'll get up and go. 
 On with the show. 

Instrumental: C - G - D - Am x2 

C                          G 
 Give me a warning if it's called for 
I'll go plan our escape 
            Am                            C 
But there's no time waste. so keep though hips movin', 
Movin' side to side 
                D                     Am 
I'll make there eyes grow wide to keep them occupied. 

Am                      C 
 Take them off like you know you should, 
  G                           D 
I wouldn't give a damn if you said you never would. 
Am                                    C 
 Our heads are filled with the perfect tune 
          G                       D 
So take my hand know this will all be over soon. 

D         C               Em 
 Let the water hit your shoes 
And pass over and over 
G                   Am 
 Polish of your last glass 
              C                  D 
Breath out one last sigh and kiss your ass good bye 

Am                    C                   G 
Get up and go, get up and go, on with the show 
             F#m G                     F#m 
If you just stop trying it'll come to you 
Am                    C                 G 
Get up and go, get up and go, give it a go 
                F#m           Am 
If you gotta know I'm so over that 
                 C                       G 
If you just stop trying it'll come to you 
                F#m                        Am 
If you gotta know, I guess I'll get up and go 
 On with the show 

Outro: G - F#m - G x3 

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