Fiction Family

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Up Against The Wall Acordes

Fiction Family



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Up Against The Wall

(Jon Foreman)

	  Intro: G-Cadd9-G-Cadd9 

G                                            Cadd9 
When the gavel comes down crooked 
G                               Cadd9 
And the verdict feels unfair 
G                                     Cadd9 
And the judges robes are stained 
G                                       Cadd9 
And the jury don't seem to care 

Em7                A7sus4 
Hey, how you gonna pick up the pieces? 
Em7               A7sus4                                  Cadd9 
Hey, how you gonna pick up the pieces? 

G                                                            Cadd9 
Our love is a puzzle that can't be solved 
G                                                            Cadd9 
Our love is a puzzle that can't be solved 
Em7                                   Dsus4 
And the urn that holds the ashes 
                Cadd9                A7sus4 
Has been shattered by the fall 
      Em7                          Dsus4 
I'm stuck with the circus king 
Getting sick of it all 
                        G              Cadd9 
Up against the wall 
                        G             Cadd9 
Up against the wall 

G                                                 Cadd9                              
When you're down on the ocean floor 
G                                       Cadd9 
And the sand gets in your shell 
Everyone's been talking 
About the pearl you'll have someday 
G                                 Cadd9 
But right now it only hurts like hell 

Em7                 A7sus4 
Hey, how you gonna pick up them pieces? 
Em7                A7sus4                                   Cadd9 
Hey, how you gonna pick up the pieces? 

G                                                            Cadd9 
Our love is a puzzle that can't be solved 
G                                                            Cadd9 
Our love is a puzzle that can't be solved 
Em7                                   Dsus4 
And the urn that holds the ashes 
                Cadd9                A7sus4 
Has been shattered by the fall 
      Em7                          Dsus4 
I'm stuck with the circus king 
In the thick of it all 
                        G         Cadd9 
Up against the wall 
                     G       Cadd9 
I'm up against the wall 

Solo: Em7- A7sus4 

Our love is a puzzle that can't be solved 
Our love is a puzzle that can't be solved 
G5                                                              G#5 
Our love is a puzzle that can't be solved 
A5                                                              A#5 
Our love is a puzzle that can't be solved 
                        G         Cadd9 
Up against the wall 
                     (Our love is a puzzle that can't be solved...) 
                                  G          Cadd9 
Yeah, up against the wall 
                G               Cadd9 
Up against the wall 
                           G          Cadd9 
Yeah, I'm up against the wall 

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