Family Force 5

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Glow In The Dark Acordes

Family Force 5



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Glow In The Dark

(Nathan Currin/Riley Friesen/Derek Mount/Jacob Olds/Joshua Olds/Solomon Olds)


Standard tuning, no capo 

Intro: Dm Gm 

You energize me 
I’ve never felt this before 
Oh, and it’s blinding 
Brighter than the sun at its core 

This heart that is beating 
Without worth repeating 
A fire to be something more 

Gm I glow in the dark, You are made of light Bb Glow all day, Glow all night Dm Like the stars up in the sky C We keep on shining you and I Gm I glow in the dark, You are made of light Bb Glow all day, Glow all night F We shine C You & I I glow in the dark (maybe Gm, Bb, Dm, C?)
Dm You energize me Bb Gm With a passion that could send me to war Dm Electrifying Gm From the heavens to the ocean floor
Gm I glow in the dark, You are made of light Bb Glow all day, Glow all night Dm Like the stars up in the sky C We keep on shining you and I Gm I glow in the dark, You are made of light Bb Glow all day, Glow all night F We shine C You & I I glow in the dark
Gm Try to change me Bb Try, try to change me Gm You’ve never change me Bb (You’ll never change me) Gm Bb I glow in the dark, dark, dark, dark Gm Bb I glow in the dark, d-dark, dark
Gm I glow in the dark, You are made of light Bb Glow all day, Glow all night Dm Like the stars up in the sky C We keep on shining you and I Gm I glow in the dark, You are made of light Bb Glow all day, Glow all night F We shine C You & I I glow in the dark

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