England Dan and John Ford Coley

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Wanting You Desperately Acordes

England Dan and John Ford Coley



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Wanting You Desperately

(Dan Seals)

Intro:  Em  C (3x) 
        Am  D 
G          Em   
I remember loving you 
From the first time 
  D                G 
I looked into your eyes 
G        Em 
You were standing there 
Am              D 
Waiting for the walking light 
Em             Bm 
And I remember staring through 
C                  G           G/F# 
The crowd you disappeared into 
Em             Bm7              C                  D 
I remember the emptiness that I felt when you were gone 
                G            D  G 
And wanting you desperately 
But never having you 
    Am                   D 
It keeps me awake in the night 
Am                      C 
Wishing that you were beside me 
                G       D G 
Wanting you desperately 
But never telling you 
It's breaking my heart 
         D           C   D 
And it's tearing me apart 
G           Em         Am 
I remember moving to a new place 
         D                G 
That was right above your room 
        Em               Am 
And the happiness that I felt 
When I found I was close to you 
Em                   Bm 
And, I remember that afternoon 
C               G             G/F# 
My elevator, it opened to you 
Em                   Bm7                 C               D 
Oh, what a feeling I had inside when you turned and said hello 
                G            D G 
And wanting you desperately 
But never having you 
It's breaking my heart 
         D          C     D 
And it's tearing me apart 
Em               Bm 
I only wish that I was strong 
C                      G            G/F# 
I'd take a chance, I'd get you alone 
Em                    Bm7 
Then I'd tell you the way I feel 
         C              D 
That the love I have is real 
         F              D 
Yes, the love I have is real 
                G           D G 
And wanting you desperately 
But never having you 
   Am                    D 
It keeps me awake in the night 
Am                      C 
Wishing that you were beside me 
            G           D G 
Wanting you desperately 
But never telling you 
It's breaking my heart 
         D           C    D 
And it's tearing me apart 
It's breaking my heart 
         D           Em   C Em C Em C G 
And it's tearing me apart 

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