Emerson Lake and Palmer

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Lucky Man Acordes

Emerson Lake and Palmer


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Lucky Man

(Gregory Lake)

Tono:  G Más
Lucky Man Key DD
Lucky Man Key D#D#
Lucky Man Key EE
Lucky Man Key FF(Disminuir uno tono)
Lucky Man Key F#F#(Disminuir uno semi-tono)
Lucky Man Key GG(tono original)
Lucky Man Key G#G#(Aumentar uno semi-tono)
Lucky Man Key AA(Aumentar uno tono)
Lucky Man Key A#A#
Lucky Man Key BB
Lucky Man Key CC
Lucky Man Key C#C#
	  G                D      G               D 
He had white horses and ladies by the score  
G              D         G               D 
All dressed in satin and waiting by the door 
Am          Em          D(2 4)  
Ooo what a lucky man he was  
Am          Em          D(2 4) 
Ooo what a lucky man he was  

G                D          G             D 
White lace and feathers they made up his bed 
G                D         G             D  
A gold covered mattress on which he was led 
Am          Em          D(2 4)  
Ooo what a lucky man he was  
Am          Em          D(2 4) 
Ooo what a lucky man he was  

G                 D           G                 D 
He went to fight wars for his country and his king 
     G            D          G            D             
Of his honor and glory the people would sing 
Am          Em           D(2 4)  
Ooo what a lucky man he was 
Am          Em           D(2 4)  
Ooo what a lucky man he was  

G                   D        G                D 
A bullet had found him, his blood ran as he cried 
 G                   D        G                 D            
No money could save him, so he lay down and he died 
Am          Em          D(2 4)  
Ooo what a lucky man he was 
Ooo what a lucky man he was 
Ooo what a lucky man he was  
Ooo what a lucky man he was 


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Disminuir uno tonoDisminuir uno semi-tono
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