Ed Sheeran

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Give Me Love Acordes

Ed Sheeran



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Give Me Love

(Chris Leonard / Ed Sheeran / Jake Gosling)

Capo en el 2º traste

Ab             E		 Badd9 
   Give me love, like her 
Ab                 E		        Badd9 
   Cos lately I've been waking up alone 
Ab                      E		  Badd9 
   The pain splatter tear drops on my shirt 
Ab                 E		   Badd9 
  I told you I'd let them go 

And that I find my corner 
Maybe tonight Ill call ya 
	 Badd9		       F# 
After my blood, turns into alcohol 
C#	      E 
No, I just wanna hold ya 

  Badd9        C#           E 
Give a little time to me 
We'll burn this out 
  Badd9        C#           E 
We'll play hide and seek 
To turn this around 
  Badd9        C#           E 
And all I want is the taste 
That your lips allow 

Ab    E	     Badd9 
My my my my give me love 
My my my my give me love 
My my my my give me love 
My my my my give me love 

Ab	         E		  Badd9 
    Give me love like never before 
Ab	          E		  Badd9 
  Cos lately I've been craving more 
Ab	           E		          Badd9 
And It's been a while but I still feel the same 
Ab	         E		Badd9 
Maybe I should let you go 

And you know I'll find my corner 
Maybe tonight I'll call ya 
	 Badd9		            F# 
After my blood, is drowning in alcohol 
C#	          E 
I just wanna hold ya 

Badd9     C#          E 
Give a little time to me 
We'll burn this out 
Badd9     C#           E 
We'll play hide and seek 
To turn this around 
Badd9     C#           E 
And all I want is the taste 
That your lips allow 

Ab     E      Badd9 
My my my my give me love 

Badd9     C#           E 
Give a little time to me 
We'll burn this out 
Badd9     C#           E 
We'll play hide and seek 
To turn this around 
Badd9     C#           E 
And all I want is the taste 

That your lips allow 

Ab    E	     Badd9 
My my my my give me love 
My my my my give me love 
My my my my give me love 
My my my my give me love 

there is a video lesson for this song
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