Dropkick Murphys

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Buried Alive Acordes

Dropkick Murphys



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Buried Alive

(Alexander Martin Barr, Kenneth William Casey, Marc John Orrell, Matthew Kelly)

  Intro: Bb  Eb  Bb  Eb  Bb  Eb  F  Bb X2 
  verse 1: 
  Bb                 Eb      Bb       Eb           Bb           Eb  F      Bb 
  Nothing they could do just sit down there as the black closed all around them 
          Bb    Eb      Bb        Eb        Bb     Eb       F   
  And the water rose so quick and cold an unlikely place to drown 

Eb Bb F Eb Bb F Bb Nine in the mine, trapped down below, down, down, down in the ground Eb Bb F Bb Eb Bb F Bb And this would be the day I didn't kiss my wife goodbye, take care of the family, I'm buried alive
- verse 2: Bb Eb Bb Eb Bb Eb F Bb They held their heads up high as they strugged hard to breathe Bb Eb Bb Eb Bb Eb F And asked the lord to open his arms for the nine souls he'd receive -
Eb Bb F Eb Bb F Bb Nine in the mine, trapped down below, down, down, down in the ground Eb Bb F Bb Eb Bb F Bb And this would be the day I didn't kiss my wife goodbye, take care of the family, I'm buried alive
- Break: Bb Eb X3 F Bb - Solo: Eb Bb F Bb X2 - verse 3: Bb Eb Bb Eb Bb Eb F Bb They lashed themselves together so in Death all might be found Bb Eb Bb Eb Bb Eb F And prayed there for a miracle some twenty-four stories down -
Eb Bb F Eb Bb F Bb Nine in the mine, trapped down below, down, down, down in the ground Eb Bb F Bb Eb Bb F Bb And this would be the day I didn't kiss my wife goodbye, take care of the family, I'm buried alive - Outro: Eb Bb F Eb Bb F Bb down, down, down in the ground

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