Diana Ross

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Missing You Acordes

Diana Ross



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Missing You

Áño: 2006 - Álbum: The Definitive Collection

(Lionel Richie)

Tono:  G Más
Missing You Key DD
Missing You Key D#D#
Missing You Key EE
Missing You Key FF(Disminuir uno tono)
Missing You Key F#F#(Disminuir uno semi-tono)
Missing You Key GG(tono original)
Missing You Key G#G#(Aumentar uno semi-tono)
Missing You Key AA(Aumentar uno tono)
Missing You Key A#A#
Missing You Key BB
Missing You Key CC
Missing You Key C#C#
	  Intro: Em7  D  Bm7  Am7 

Em7                D 
Since you've been away 
           Bm7       Am7 
I've been down and lonely 
Em7                D 
Since you've been away 
             Bm7        Am7 
I've been thinking of you 
Em7            D 
Try to understand 
       Bm7        Am7 
The reason you left me 
Em7             D       C 
What were you going through? 
C7M   Bm7        Am7 
Ooh,      I'm missing you 
C7M              Bm7  Am7 
Tell me why the road turns 
C7M        Bm7      Am7 
Ooh ooh,     I'm missing you 
C7M              Bm7  Am7 
Tell me why the road turns 

Em7         D 
As I look around 
        Bm7         Am7 
I see things that remind me 
Em7             D 
Just to see you smile 
        Bm7            Am7 
Made my heart fill with joy 
Em7           D 
I'll still recall 
           Bm7               Am7 
All those dreams we shared together 
Em7           D       C 
Where did you run to, boy? 

C7M     Bm 
Ooh ooh ooh 
Am7           Bm C7M 
I'm missing you 
                Bm    Am7 
Tell me why the road turns 
C7M    Bm 
Ooh ooh 
     Am7      Bm 
I'm missing you 
C7M            Bm     Am7 Bm 
Tell me why the road turns 

C7M             D/C 
Sometimes I've wondered 
    C7M         D/C 
I didn't understand 
C7M                    D/C 
 Just where you were trying to go 
      C7M          C/D 
Only you knew the plan 
C7M               D/C 
  And I tried to be there 
C7M                   D/C 
  But you wouldn't let me in 
C7M               D/C 
  But now you've gone away boy 
C7M              Bm7 
  I feel so broken hearted 
C7M           Bm7 
  I knew the day we started 
C7M             Bm7 
  That we were meant to be 
    Am7 Bm7        C7M    Bm7 C7M 
If only you would let me! 
I've cried so many tears 
C7M                Bm7 
  Gotta face now all my fears 
C7M         Bm7 
  We let time tick away 
   Am7     Bm7 
I need you boy 
C7M   Bm7 
Here today! 

( C7M  C  G/B  Em7  D ) 

There was so much you gave me 

To my heart 

To my soul 

There was so much of your dreams 

That were never told 

You had so much hope 

For a brighter day 
Why were you my flower 
Bm      Am7 
Plucked away 
(I'm missing you) 
C7M            Bm     Am7 
Tell me why the road turns 
C7M  Bm 
Ooh ooh 
(I'm missing you) 
C7M            Bm     Am7 
Tell me why the road turns   ah ah I'm here babe 

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