Dean Martin

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For Once In My Life Acordes

Dean Martin



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For Once In My Life

(Orlando Murden and Ronald Miller)

Introdução: C7M Am7 Dm7 G7 C7M Am7 Dm7 G7 

                           C               C/B           Am           A7  
For once in my life I've got someone who needs me 
 Dm           Dm7+      Dm7     G7  
Someone I've needed so long 
               Dm          Dm7+        Dm7             G7 
For once unafraid I can go where life leads me 
C         Dm7   G7        C     C/B 
Somehow I know I'll be strong 
          Am                 Am7+              Am7               D     
For once I can touch what my heart used to dream of 
F    Cdim        A7  Dm7  Em    Em7+     A4/7       A7  
Long before  I  knew.      Someone warm like  you 
       Dm7     Cdim  Fdim  G    G7 
Could make my dreams come true 
                        C           C/B         Am         A7   
For once in my life I won't let sorrow hurt me 
Dm             Dm7+     Dm7    G7 
Not like it's hurt me before 
                      Dm             Dm7+     Dm7           G7   
For once I've got someone I know won't desert me  
C     Dm7  G7   C    Bm5-/7 
I'm not alone anymore 
               Am        Am7+          Am7             D7/9  
For once I can say: "This is mine you can't take it" 
                Dm            Dm7            F         D7 
As long as I know I've got love, I can make it 
    C          C/B           Am      Dm7  G    C    Am   G#7 G7 
For once in my life I've got someone who needs me 

Interlude: C C/B Am A7 Dm Dm7+ Dm7 G7 Dm Dm7+ Dm7 G7 C Dm7 G7 C  C/B 

                         C               C/B      Am       A7 
For once in my life I won't let sorrow hurt me 
Dm            Dm7+       Dm7  G7 
Not like it's hurt me before 
     Dm            Dm7+      Dm7          G7 
For once I've got someone I know won't desert me 
C         Dm7 G7 C     Bm5-/7 
I'm not alone anymore 
              Am        Am7+           Am7           D7/9  
For once I can say: "This is mine you can't take it" 
                     Dm           Dm7            F          D7 
As long as I know I've got love, I can make it 
    C          C/B           Am      Dm7  G    C    Fdim   Fdim C 
For once in my life I've got someone who needs me 

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