Darren Hayes

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Zero Acordes

Darren Hayes

Dificultad:Ningún gradoNingún grado


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Tono:  F Más
Zero Key CC
Zero Key C#C#
Zero Key DD
Zero Key D#D#(Disminuir uno tono)
Zero Key EE(Disminuir uno semi-tono)
Zero Key FF(tono original)
Zero Key F#F#(Aumentar uno semi-tono)
Zero Key GG(Aumentar uno tono)
Zero Key G#G#
Zero Key AA
Zero Key A#A#
Zero Key BB
	  Bside from "The Tension and the Spark" 

F                  Am 
So welcome to the world  
 G                F 
Got so much I can tell you, baby  
F           Am 
So many lessons to learn  
G                     F 
Let me tell you what I've heard  

Because people can be cruel  
And the world is full of rules  
 G                       F 
That's when you need to call me  
When the struggle gets you down  
When there's no one else around  
  G                     F 
That's when you need to call me  

F                            Am 
Oh you'll be strong, you'll hold on  You will get through it  
            F             G 
And when you can't do it I'll make you better than that  
F                           Am 
Don't be scared, sing your song  Bring your soul to it  
               F                  G 
And when you're through with it I'll know you're better than that  

I still believe  
That this world is a good place, baby  
For every vulture and thief  
Kindness in every stranger  

When it's slipping through your hands  
When you do not understand  
That's when you need to call me  
When you cannot carry on  
When you feel like hope is gone  
That's when you can call me  

Oh you'll be strong, you'll hold on  
You will get through it  
And when you can't do it  
I'll make you better than that  
Don't be scared, sing your song  
Bring your soul to it  
And when you're through with it  
I'll know you're better than that  

Welcome to the world  
Got so much I can tell you, baby  
So many lessons to learn  
Let me tell you what I've heard  

F                        Am 
The road is long, so just hang on  
It's gonna be alright  
I'll make you better than that  
F                       Am 
The road is long, so keep your faith  
               F                 G 
And when your zero has come It's gonna be alright  
              F                Am 
And you'll be judged  on who you love,  
        F             G 
the color of your skin  
               F            Am     F     
The road is long, just hang on  
It's gonna be alright  

Oh you'll be strong, you'll hold on  
You will get through it  
And when you can't do it  
I'll make you better than that  
Don't be scared, sing your song  
Bring your soul to it  
And when you're through with it  
I'll know you're better than that  

Oh you'll be strong, you'll hold on  
You will get through it  
And when you can't do it  
I'll make you better than that  

Don't be scared, sing your song  
Bring your soul to it  
And when you're through with it  
I'll know you're better than that  

Comments or whatever at [email protected] 


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Disminuir uno tonoDisminuir uno semi-tono
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