Chris Lane

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Nothin To Wear Acordes

Chris Lane



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Nothin To Wear

Capo en el 1er traste

Intro: C  F  C  F 

Red dress on the bed 
Black lace on the floor 
G                 C 
Blue jeans on the sink 
And a 94 tour shirt on the door 
Hair up in a bun 
Flat iron burning hot 
I'm already on my third one 
Watching you try every shoe you got 
C                              F 
Running late and cab's waiting on you and me 
C                   N.C. 
No rush I just wish you saw what is see 

C G Am F Nothin' in that closet holds a candle to your halo C G Am F You can take your time get it right but baby all that I know C G Em Am Jaws gonna drop when we walk up in there F C G C Crazy how good you look when you got nothin' to wear F C G C F It's crazy how good you look when you got nothin' to wear
C I can see it now F You tipping that band C And that bar shuts down F You're walking out with your high heels in your hand C F Ooo, ooo, ooo baby when we get back C F You, ooo, ooo you can leave me a trail from the welcome mat N.C. To right here where I'm at
C G Am F Nothin' in that closet holds a candle to your halo C G Am F You can take your time get it right but baby all that I know C G Em Am Jaws gonna drop when we walk up in there F C G C Crazy how good you look when you got nothin' to wear F C G C It's crazy how good you look when you got nothin' to wear
Solo: C G Am F C G Am F C F Running late and cab's waiting on you and me C F I bet it'll knock me dead whatever it's gonna be yeah
C G Am F Nothin' in that closet holds a candle to your halo C G Am F You can take your time get it right but baby all that I know C G Em Am Jaws gonna drop when we walk up in there F C G C Crazy how good you look when you got nothin' to wear G Em Am And it'll look even better falling off of the stairs F C G C Crazy how good you look when you got nothin' to wear
Outro: F C So baby put it on F And baby take it off

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