Chris de Burgh

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Strangers On A Train Acordes

Chris de Burgh



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Strangers On A Train

Áño: 2005 - Álbum: Ultimate Collection

(Chris de Burgh)


Bm G A Bm 

          Bm                     D     A 
 When he saw her first she was crying, on the morning train 
          Bm                 F#m                   G        A        G 
 He was drawn to her and he held her hand and he dried her tears away 
         G               A           G              A 
 She said "I gave up my life for him, I gave all I had 
G              A                G              A 
 I gave up my world for him and I'm not going back" 

  D         A          Bm 
 Love comes in like a miracle 
     F#            Bm 
 To take away the pain 
   G               D 
 They were always lovers 
    Em     G      A 
 Strangers on a train 
  D         A          Bm 
 Love comes in like a messenger 
     F#              Bm 
 To save the world again 
           G              D 
 They have always been together 
    Em     G      A 
 Strangers on a train 

Bm G A Bm 

            Bm                 D              A      
 They were lost in deep conversation and the miles went flying by 
            Bm                    F#m               G       A      G 
 When the train came into their station, they just had to travel on 
        G                  A           G                 A 
 He said "I'll give up my life for you, I'll give all I have 
G                 A                G              A 
 I'll give up my world for you and I'm not going back" 

  D         A          Bm 
 Love comes in like a miracle 
     F#            Bm 
 To take away the pain 
   G               D 
 They were always lovers 
    Em     G      A 
 Strangers on a train 
  D         A          Bm 
 Love comes in like a messenger 
     F#              Bm 
 To save the world again 
           G            D 
 They will always be together 
    Em     G      C Bm A  C Bm A 
 Strangers on a train 

Bm G A Bm 

G                 A 
 I'll give up my life for you 
G                 A 
 I'll give all I have 
G                 A 
 I'll give up my world for you  
     G              A 
 And I'm not going back 

  D         A          Bm 
 Love comes in like a miracle 
     F#            Bm 
 To take away the pain 
   G               D 
 They were always lovers 
    Em     G      A 
 Strangers on a train 
  D         A          Bm 
 Love comes in like a messenger 
     F#              Bm 
 To save the world again 
           G            D 
 They will always be together 
    Em     G      A 
 Strangers on a train 

D A Bm F# Bm 

   G               D 
 They were always lovers 
    Em     G      A 
 Strangers on a train 

D A Bm F# Bm 

           G            D 
 They will always be together 
    Em     G      A 
 Strangers on a train... 

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