Chris Cornell

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Wide Awake Acoustic Acordes

Chris Cornell



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Wide Awake Acoustic

	  If you hear the acoustic version you will hear this descending riff he plays.  
While playing the Dm it sounds like he grabs the low F and open 
Low E string at the end of each bar.  He does this between verses as well.  
There are a few different ways to get a good sound for this. 


Dm                                             F             Dm  
You can a look a hurricane right in the eye  
Dm                                  F       Dm  
1200 people dead or left to die  
Dm                                                 Bb              Dm  
Follow the leaders, we're in an eye for an eye we'll all be blind  
Dm                                                 Bb                Dm        A  
Death for murder and this I'm sure in this uncertain time  
Dm F So come pull the sheet over my eyes Bb So I can sleep tonight Dm C Despite what I've seen today Dm F Bb I find you guilty of a crime, of sleeping at a time Dm C When you should have been wide awake
Verse: Dm F Dm Down on the road the world is floating by Dm F Dm The poor and undefended left behind Dm Bb While you're somewhere trading lives for oil Dm A As if the whole world were blind
Dm F So come pull the sheet over my eyes Bb So I can sleep tonight Dm C Despite what I've seen today Dm F Bb I find you guilty of a crime, of sleeping at a time Dm C When you should have been wide awake
Bridge: Bb A Dm Bdim I find you guilty of a crime of this I know
Dm F So come pull the sheet over my eyes Bb So I can sleep tonight Dm C Despite what I've seen today Dm F Bb I find you guilty of a crime, of sleeping at a time Dm C When you should have been wide awake Dm C Bb C Dm Wide awake! Wide awake! Wide awake! Wide awake!

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