Chris Cornell

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Nearly Forgot My Broken Heart Acordes

Chris Cornell



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Nearly Forgot My Broken Heart

	              Dm      G       Dm 
Everytime I stare into the sun 
           Dm        G     F   A 
Try to find a reason to go on 
        Dm            G        Dm 
All I ever get is burned and blind 
G           F             G      A 
Until the sky bleeds the pouring rain 

              Dm         G         Dm 
When you came along the time was right 
Dm                       G       F   
Pulled me like an apple red and ripe 
 A           Dm       G       Dm 
Wasn’t very long you took a bite 
G            F             G        A 
And did me wrong -and it serves me right 

Dm        A         F        G 
I nearly forgot my broken heart 
     Dm       G       F   A 
It’s taken me miles away 
          Dm      A          F      G 
From the memory of how we broke apart 
Dm          A      Dm 
Here we go round again 

         Dm           G        Dm 
Every little key unlocks the door 
         Dm         G      F   A 
Every little secret has a lie 
             Dm         G     Dm 
Try to take a picture of the sun 
G            F            G        A 
And it wont help you to see the light 

            Dm       G        Dm 
Every little word upon your lips 
         Dm             G              F    A 
Makes a little cut where blood pours out 
             Dm         G        Dm 
Every little drop of blood I kiss 
           G       F      G      A 
That I won’t miss -not for anything 

 Dm       A         F        G 
I nearly forgot my broken heart 
     Dm       G      F     A 
It’s taken me miles away 
         Dm        A       F       G 
From the memory of how we broke apart 
   Dm         A       C.. 
Here we go round again 

..C           F                         G             
Every single feeling tells me this is leading 
     A          C          F 
To a heart in broken little pieces 
And you know I need this 
        Dm  C              (Dm  Cx2) 
Like a hole in the head 

Dm  G  Dm  G  Dm  G  F  A  x2 

C               F                       G 
Every single feeling tells me this is leading 
    A           C           F 
To a heart in broken little pieces 
                G         Dm 
And you know I need this 
Like a hole in the head 

   Dm      A        F         G 
I nearly forgot my broken heart 
  Dm       G       F      A 
It’s taken me miles away 
      Dm        A        F       G 
From the memory of how we broke apart 
Dm        A        C 
Here we go round again 

   Dm    A         F          G 
I nearly forgot my broken heart 
   Dm         G       F     A 
It’s taken me miles away 
        Dm         A       F       G 
From the memory of how we broke apart 
Dm         A        C 
Here we go round again 

G  Dm  C 

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