Chris Cornell

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Mission Acordes

Chris Cornell



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Tono:  E Más
Mission Key BB
Mission Key CC
Mission Key C#C#
Mission Key DD(Disminuir uno tono)
Mission Key D#D#(Disminuir uno semi-tono)
Mission Key EE(tono original)
Mission Key FF(Aumentar uno semi-tono)
Mission Key F#F#(Aumentar uno tono)
Mission Key GG
Mission Key G#G#
Mission Key AA
Mission Key A#A#

E7   Gm E7   A 
E7   Gm A 

verse 1: 

E7       Bb    Gm      Dm       Bb     A     Bb 
Pulled through you and drowning in your swirl  
E7      Gm  E7   Bb  A     Bb       A 
Cir’---c----ling unfolding in your will  


I'm going to glide on the winds of your breathing  
Bb   A 
And alight on your guarded heart 
Bb                     Gm          
I'm gonna tear all our temples down  

Bb Gm E7 I'm on a mission now A Gm A I'm on a mission now
Solo 1: Dm E7 Gm A Bb verse 2: E7 A Dm Smouldering down inside your mood E7 Bb A Slithering and fanning in your eyes Bridge 2: Gm E7 Bb A I'm going to drive through your crying and sleep in your hair E7 Bb A Rise from your ashes and kneel in your prayers Gm Bb Tear all your temples down
A E7 I'm on a mission now Gm I'm on a mission now A Gm A I'm on a mission now E7 Gm I'm on a mission now
Break: Bb Gm C# And I have nothing, but then the have is not as good as the want Dm E7 Gm A Dm Solo 2: E7 Gm Bridge 3: E7 Bb A I'm going to glide on the winds of your breathing E7 Bb A Writhe in your calm and provide your release E7 Bb A Weave into your wanting and needing E7 Bb A Dm And reside in the heart of your strongest beliefs Gm Bb A I'm gonna teat all our temples down E7 I'm on a mission now Dm I'm on a mission now E7 A Gm A I'm on a mission now Solo 3: E7 Gm YEAAAAAHHHHH!! A Dm I’m on a mission now Gm YEEEAAAHHH!! Break: Bb Gm A C# And I have nothing, but then the have is not as good as the want

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Disminuir uno tonoDisminuir uno semi-tono
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