Charlotte Cardin

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How You Remind Me Acordes

Charlotte Cardin



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How You Remind Me

Capo en el 5º traste

Never made it as a wise man 
I couldn't cut it as a poor man stealing 
Tired of living like a blind man 
I'm sick of sight without a sense of feeling 

C                      G 
And this is how you remind me 
C                   G 
This is how you remind me of what I really am 

Am C/E It's not like you to say sorry G D/F# I'm always waiting on a different story Am C/E This time I'm mistaken G D/F# For handing you a heart worth breaking Am C/E And I've been wrong, I've been down G D/F# Into the bottom of every bottle Am C/E These five words in my head G Scream, "Are we having fun yet?" Am C/E G Yeah, yeah, yeah, Are we having fun yet? Am C/E G Yeah, yeah, yeah
C It's not like you didn't know that G I said I love you and I swear I still do C And it must have been so bad G Cause living with me must have damn near killed you C G And this is how you remind me of what I really am C G This is how you remind me of what I really am
Am C/E It's not like you to say sorry G D/F# I'm always waiting on a different story Am C/E This time I'm mistaken G D/F# For handing you a heart worth breaking Am C/E And I've been wrong, I've been down G D/F# Into the bottom of every bottle Am C/E These five words in my head G Scream, "Are we having fun yet?" Am C/E G D7/F# Yeah, yeah, yeah, Are we having fun yet? Am C/E G D7/F# Yeah, yeah, yeah, Are we having fun yet? Am C/E G D7/F# Are we having fun yet? Am C/E G D7/F# Yeah, yeah, yeah
Outro: C Never made it as a wise man G I couldn't cut it as a poor man stealing

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