Charlie Puth

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Hero Acordes

Charlie Puth



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(Jacob Kasher Hindlin / Charlie Puth / Jack Rochon / John Byron Calton)

Tono:  Eb Más
Hero Key A#A#
Hero Key BB
Hero Key CC
Hero Key C#C#(Disminuir uno tono)
Hero Key DD(Disminuir uno semi-tono)
Hero Key EbEb(tono original)
Hero Key EE(Aumentar uno semi-tono)
Hero Key FF(Aumentar uno tono)
Hero Key F#F#
Hero Key GG
Hero Key G#G#
Hero Key AA
Capo en el 1er traste

Intro: G A Bm A D 

        G                   A 
I wanna stop by and play it cool 
             Bm                                 A    D 
It's hard to talk with all these people in your room 
         G                      A 
I try to lock eyes and give you clues 
           Bm                            A  D 
So you can come and follow me out by the pool (Yeah, yeah) 
My blood pressure elevates 
When I call you out for bein' fake 
And I don't want to be mean 
                  A       D 
But I'm not gonna shut up instead 
I know who you really are 
And your so-called "friends," quotation marks 
I don't wanna make a scene 
                   A           D 
She cut me off and that's when she said 
G A "I don't need a hero, I don't want to be saved" Bm A D But I said, "I'll be here every night and day" G A Oh, I don't need a hero, but if you let me stay Bm A D Oh, I can still be here every night and day
G A You hide your feelings (Hide your feelings), you medicate (You medicate) Bm A D You're doin' shit that's keepin' both of us awake G A Make me the villain (Make me the villain), I know it helps Bm A D But I'm not gonna run like everybody else (No, no) G My blood pressure elevates A When I call you out for bein' fake Bm And I don't want to be mean A D But I'm not gonna shut up instead G I know who you really are (Really are) A And your so-called "friends," quotation marks Bm I don't wanna make a scene A D She cut me off and that's when she said
G A "I don't need a hero, I don't want to be saved" (Don't want to be saved) Bm A D But I said, "I'll be here every night and day" G A Oh, I don't need a hero, but if you let me stay (If you let me stay) Bm A D Oh, I can still be here every night and day
G A Oh (I don't need a hero) Bm A D Oh (Oh, I said, "I'll be here," oh) G A Lovin' you ain't easy, but I'm never gonna stop it Bm A D I know that night I lost my head and I was bein' out of pocket G A I wasn't tryna start a fight or tell you how to live your life Bm I just wanted (I just wanted) A N.C. You to know I fuckin' cared, and she said
G A "I don't need a hero, I don't want to be saved" (I don't want to be saved) Bm A D But I said, "I'll be here every night and day" (Oh) G A Oh, I don't need a hero, but if you let me stay (If you let me stay) Bm A D Oh, I can still be here every night and day
G A Oh (I don't need a hero, I don't want to be saved) Bm Oh (But I said, "I'll be here") A D Every night and day, oh Outro: G A I don't need a hero, but if you let me stay Bm A D Oh, I can still be here every night and day, oh

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Disminuir uno tonoDisminuir uno semi-tono
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