Bon Jovi

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Seeds Acordes

Bon Jovi



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(John Bongiovi)

Tono:  G Más
Seeds Key DD
Seeds Key D#D#
Seeds Key EE
Seeds Key FF(Disminuir uno tono)
Seeds Key F#F#(Disminuir uno semi-tono)
Seeds Key GG(tono original)
Seeds Key G#G#(Aumentar uno semi-tono)
Seeds Key AA(Aumentar uno tono)
Seeds Key A#A#
Seeds Key BB
Seeds Key CC
Seeds Key C#C#
	  Intro G  F  Em  G 
        G  F  Em  G 

          G                 F 
There's a deep crack in the sidewalk 
         Em               G 
Near the park bench on my street 
       G                       F 
If you don't trip, you'll walk by it 
          Em                   G 
There's a whole world we don't see 
G                             F 
You don't have to fix what is broken 
    Em                 G 
You only get better at coping 
The road don't always know where it's 
        Em                   G 
We keep rollin', rollin', rollin' 

G We're seeds trying to find our place in F The weeds Em Bustin' through the cracks in the street D# We keep reaching for light, reaching for Light G We're seeds, even if we fall like the F Leaves Em Bustin' through the cracks in the street D# We keep reaching for light, reaching for G Light
G F There's a sadness in the seasons Em G Like the friends who come and go G The heartbreak, the glory F Each writing their story Em G We'll never get to know G F Be happy for the tears that you're cryin' Em G The cracks are where we let all the light In G F Put yourself out there in the open Em G Just keep growin', growin', growin'
G We're seeds trying to find our place in F The weeds Em Bustin' through the cracks in the street D# We keep reaching for light, reaching for Light G We're seeds, even if we fall like the F Leaves Em Bustin' through the cracks in the street D# We keep reaching for light, reaching for Light
( G F Em D# F ) ( G F Em D# F ) G F Be happy for the tears that you're cryin' Em G The cracks are where we let all the light In G F Put yourself out there in the open Em Just keep growin', growin', growin'
G We're seeds trying to find our place in F The weeds Em Bustin' through the cracks in the street D# We keep reaching for light, reaching for Light G We're seeds, even if we fall like the F Leaves Em Bustin' through the cracks in the street D# We keep reaching for light, reaching for Light
Final G F Em D# F G F Em D# F G F Em D# F G F Em D# F G

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